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To: George Osborne MP

Protect and Increase School Budgets

Increase school budgets to cover the rising costs in National Insurance contributions, pension contributions, maintenance costs, and cost of living awards.

Why is this important?

The Chancellor’s claim that school budgets are protected is false. Schools are facing a real terms cut to their budgets of at least 3%. This is having a serious impact on schools, as they struggle to cover the costs for basic things they are expected to provide.

The expenditure faced by schools is increasing year on year. Budgets are not keeping pace with increases to National Insurance contributions, pension contributions, pay increments for support staff and some teachers, rising costs of heating and maintaining premises, nor the enormous costs related to examinations.

Schools are being forced to make redundancies and cut corners on important resources.

Our children and school staff are already suffering as a direct result of these savage budget cuts. If we want to maintain an outstanding Education system, we must act now!



2015-09-16 08:49:15 +0100

10 signatures reached