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To: The Rt Hon. Sajid Javid MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP. Secretary of State for Environment,


We respectfully request that in your roles you allow time to:
Help protect the cliff top gardens on the coastal fringe of Newquay, Cornwall.

Acknowledge the findings and evidence of the draft Newquay Neighbourhood Plan and give weight to it NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.
When the NNP is in place it will have within it a Policy to protect our Coast line and prevent building on Newquay's coastal fringe, in gardens such as in the photo.

We would like both Sajid Javid MP, and Michael Gove MP. to act now to stop cliff top builds on our coast line.

Our Local MP, Steve Double has spoken out to Cornwall Council, both Newquay Town Council and Cornwall Council have Objected/ Refused the inappropriate applications yet the applications keep coming, with one appeal Dismissed and another pending.
Sadly there have been a number of rockfalls and landslides local to the site in recent years. Some major and one recent, a close call for one family on the beach that made national news.
Please, we need your help for this to reach The Rt Hon. Sajid Javid MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP. Secretary of State for Environment,

Why is this important?

Any approval to build, is one that has huge negative impacts, to the open space and special character of our coastline forever, the impact to the cliff integrity/stability.
The photo shows a site highlighted as being built on, this build is now seeking approval for unapproved works.

It is important because in 2015 over 1,000 people signed an online petition through ( Protect Newquay Clifftops) to two applications to build on gardens at Island Crescent, Newquay. There were further objections made to Cornwall Council.
This lead to one application ( front garden) being REFUSED by Cornwall Council, then taken to at appeal by the applicants and Dismissed by the Inspector. The other application ( rear garden)being WITHDRAWN. Yet they have built to that plan anyway!?
Since then the applications have continued and concerns about them and their content raised to the planning department. Now a second APPEAL PENDING on the front garden. The applications have not stopped, with the applicant not adhering to two permissions on the rear garden.Leading to enforcement action, RETROSPECTIVE PLANNING PERMISSION PENDING to be decided early September.

We need Sajid Javid MP, and Michael Gove MP. to:
Protect our treasured and unique coastline and support:
1) The public voice of the community and wider.
2) Newquay Town Council.
3)Our Mayor past and present
4)The members of Cornwall Council Planning department against cliff top development ( last vote on most recent application 12-2 against proposal to build)
5)The Planning Inspector on reasons for his previous decision to Dismiss the application
6)Our local MP Steve Double
7) Facebook page Protect Newquay Clifftops

This area once protected by the policies of the Restormel Borough Plan no longer are until the NNP is is in place.
We need it not to fall into an area of no protection that would allow it to be built on.
These are garden grabbing applications, this is not "brownfield land" and should not be seen as such.

The National Planning Policy Framework encourages the community to engage, to have voice within its community. Please help the voice of this community and wider that seek to protect, preserve the coastal fringe of Newquay get the weight required to give credit to the development stages of the Newquay Neighbourhood plan to Protect our coastline from such proposals.

Newquay, Cornwall

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2017-08-21 11:07:18 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-08-20 22:38:56 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-08-20 21:36:48 +0100

10 signatures reached

2017-08-20 19:42:53 +0100

Its a waiting game to get the Newquay Neighbourhood Plan in place ( it takes a lot of work, consultation and research) Its a crucial document and can be used in the decision making for our town. THIS IS WHY WE NEED OUR MINISTERS TO STEP IN, it could be too late if they don't!
As we mention in the blog the list to protect the cliffs is quite long ( and growing with more and more rockfalls taking place) Here is an article from over a year ago. Newquay :

2017-08-20 19:39:50 +0100

(27/04/17) Application PA 17/03577 an application for the unapproved works carried out in the rear garden that is now following planning enforcement action is attempting to get permission.
If approval is given will it lead to a message to all that Cornwall is a total free for all Cornwall Council Councillors are saying its like two fingers up at planning. A massive increase in footprint, taking the build closer to the cliff, excavating much more than approved for a swimming pool lower than lower ground floor level, stripping out the natural coastal fringe to place a concrete platform that over hangs the cliff boundary!
You may still be able to comment?
The MPs,need to read this one! it's a shocking disgrace and many believe it should be taken down and made to fit the approved PA12/06740.

2017-08-20 18:25:21 +0100

You can see many posts, photos, comments, newspaper articles and videos regarding the aim to protect the cliff tops of Newquay, Cornwall, England on Facebook page:

2017-08-20 18:23:15 +0100

A recent rock fall / land slide at the end of last month near the development site:

2017-08-20 18:17:08 +0100

Also covered on Scottish News, and in the national paper:

2017-08-20 18:14:59 +0100

Had hoped to list the appeal decision notice on here but it seems to have been removed from the planning portal as do the other documents?
Will have a copy somewhere and post asap.

Here we go:

2017-08-20 17:57:21 +0100

22/12/15 an application on the front garden PA15/11914.The front garden application PA15/11914 OBJECT by Newquay Town Council, REFUSED by Cornwall Council ( this is when the 1,000 plus objections came in regarding the applications to protect the gardens from inappropriate building and being overdeveloped.)
This application was then taken to APPEAL and the Planning Inspectors decision was to DISMISS the application.

2017-08-20 17:41:23 +0100

(22/12/15) Rear garden application PA15/11915. (although listed under the host house) WITHDRAWN by the applicant.( PA15/11914 & PA15/11915 received over 1,000 plus objections with a petition and comments to NTC and CC to protect the cliff top gardens from inappropriate building /garden grabbing and being overdeveloped.
In this time there were saved policies that helped protect it.
Sadly it seems this application is what is being built rather than the two generously awarded approvals.(PA12/06740 & PA16/02402) Note the vast public comments this application are no longer listed on the public planning portal?
Below is the link for the rear garden WITHDRAWN application:

2017-08-20 17:20:59 +0100

(16/12/16)Previous to PA17/06919 on the front garden is PA16/11901. OBJECT by Newquay Town Council and REFUSED by Cornwall Council. Now PENDING at APPEAL:

2017-08-20 16:20:04 +0100

(21/07/17) The previous front garden application PA17/06919 also PENDING :
(If the planning portal allows you to still comment)

2017-08-20 16:17:45 +0100

(03/08/12) Please also post your comments to Cornwall Council on the latest front garden application PA17/07637 PENDING :