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To: Jackie Hall, Cabinet Member for Schools, Education and Skills, Gloucestershire County Council

Provide free bus passes for students who are required to continue further education

Dear Jackie Hall, Gloucestershire County Council,
We are writing to request that you start to provide free transport for students who are going into further education from September as it is now required that Students stay in education for a further year. At the present time in Gloucestershire parents are still required to pay the £300+ (in some cases) for their children to continue on at school, even though they have no other way of the children to get to school and don't have a choice about the child going to school.
Please consider these points

Why is this important?

The legal age for students to leave education is being raised to 17 and soon it will be 18. Starting from this September students are required to continue to some form of education for another year, however in Gloucestershire parents are still required to pay the £300+ (in some cases) for their children to continue on at school, even though they have no way of leaving education. Usually the lower stage of secondary school is free transport provided by the council, however now that students are required to stay on longer, this should also be provided free of charge.

How it will be delivered

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Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

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2017-06-10 14:29:23 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-02-10 22:00:59 +0000

25 signatures reached

2013-06-20 23:36:35 +0100

10 signatures reached