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To: Transport for London

Reinstate cash payments on London buses

Allow passengers to pay their bus fares by cash

Why is this important?

Transport for London recently decided that bus passengers would no longer be able to pay their fares with cash, but instead could only pay with Oyster cards that need to have credit put on them in advance, or with contactless debit cards. This means that if someone doesnt realise their Oyster card has run out of credit, and doesn't have a debit card (as many don't), they are unable to use the bus. This leaves people stranded and unable to use the only form of transport available to many. It is often difficult to find a shop which will put credit on the oyster card, and all the machines are switched off at 9 or 10 o'clock. If you lose your card or can't find a shop that does it, you are stranded. It is impractical, not fit for purpose, and discriminates against those who can not afford other means of transport.

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2016-09-12 21:53:12 +0100

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