1,000 signatures reached
To: Environmental Health Agency, Doncaster.
Rossington fly problem.

Use the legal powers you have to ensure businesses stay within the environmental laws.
We also ask that further expansions to businesses that are known to be causing the fly problem should be restricted, especially considering their close proximity to homes, schools and parks.
We also ask that further expansions to businesses that are known to be causing the fly problem should be restricted, especially considering their close proximity to homes, schools and parks.
Why is this important?
Rossington, Doncaster, has seen a massive increase in the number of flies, hundreds are entering homes on a daily basis. It is unhygienic and upsetting to residents who have put up with worsening conditions over the last 2 years.
Businesses have been warned to improve their waste disposal and cleanliness but no lasting action has taken place and the issue has in fact worsened, leaving residents ill.
Businesses have been warned to improve their waste disposal and cleanliness but no lasting action has taken place and the issue has in fact worsened, leaving residents ill.