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To: Jeremy Hunt

Save Bury Hospice

Bury Hospice is at risk of closure due to a severely underfunded CCG who have suffered financially as a result of NHS England's unfair target allocation funding formula.This means that the CCG can no longer afford the 10% of the Hospice running costs that it has contributed historically.
We want you to ensure that Bury urgently receives the financial allocation that it is owed, rather than the current piecemeal approach that has been planned, in order to keep the Hospice open.

Why is this important?

Bury Hospice provides invaluable in-patient, out-patient/day services and hospice at home services. They ensure vital support and care for those with a terminal or life-limiting illness and their friends and families.

How it will be delivered

Local Labour Councillor and Parliamentary candidate for the 2015 General Election will be delivering the petition.


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10 years ago

100 signatures reached

10 years ago

50 signatures reached

10 years ago

25 signatures reached

10 years ago

10 signatures reached