5,000 signatures reached
To: Oxford City Council
Save C.S. Lewis Nature Reserve

Stop the building application that will allow an access road right up against the Lewis Close Nature Reserve.
Why is this important?
UPDATE - January 2020: The planning application has been withdrawn!!! We do not have all the details yet as to why this has been withdrawn.
UPDATE May 2019: we are still waiting for this application to be discussed at the East Oxford Area Planning Committee meeting, this campaign is still alive! We need as much support as we can muster to attend that meeting. We will find out a week before the meeting if it is on the agenda and I will notify supporters by email; hopefully, lots of people can make it to the public meeting to demonstrate our disapproval in person!
Lets not give up the fight!
A planning application has been submitted for a new build development that would provide 9 apartments (in a mix of 1, 2 and 3 beds) in a 21⁄2 storey building and 22 parking spaces. The proposed plan would also require an access road to be built at the end of Lewis close and along the boundary of the C.S Lewis Nature Reserve run by the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust.
I spent my childhood playing in the C.S Lewis reserve and now bring my own children there to explore the wonders it holds. It truly is a magical place and C.S. Lewis based his writings about Narnia on it, although back then it was his back garden!
The reserve comprises mature woodland slopes and two ponds. The larger pond is noted for spawning toads and giant horsetail surrounding it. The nature reserve and surrounding area currently supports birds, reptiles, badgers and roosting bats among other wildlife. The area is also suitable for protected species such as Great Crested Newts which have been spotted in the area. The proposed development and access road will create noise, light, dust pollution and many more negative impacts on the environment and wildlife.
A preliminary ecological appraisal has been undertaken and although does cover some of the impacts on the potential wildlife others have been omitted. The report does make some suggestions to mitigate the impact such as a protective, closed fencing around the development area, a review of the design to ensure no light spill or disturbance post development, undertaking work outside the main bird nesting season etc. However I strongly feel that despite these measures to mitigate the impact the development will still have a detrimental effect the area and wildlife. One persons objection on the oxford city council planning webpage for this development also points out that a close solid fence could actually compound the danger to the animals.
Lewis close leading up to the reserve is peaceful and quiet and safe for the many children that use it to access the reserve. It is such a wonderful place and the access road and property development that is planned to run along it will no doubt pollute the lake, increase the traffic making it unsafe for pedestrians and spoil this place of amazing magic and beauty. This area is of national and historical significance and should be preserved for generations to come.
The nature reserve and the adjacent Lewis Close is peaceful and quiet. Many residents and visitors go there for the peace, tranquility and the inspiration it offers. The nature reserve and the house that C.S. Lewis lived in is of huge literary and historical importance and would be spoiled by this development.
I felt strongly that this development should not go ahead and decided to start this 38 degrees campaign. Please help me to stop this development from happening so future generations can continue to be inspired by its wildlife and wonder.
UPDATE May 2019: we are still waiting for this application to be discussed at the East Oxford Area Planning Committee meeting, this campaign is still alive! We need as much support as we can muster to attend that meeting. We will find out a week before the meeting if it is on the agenda and I will notify supporters by email; hopefully, lots of people can make it to the public meeting to demonstrate our disapproval in person!
Lets not give up the fight!
A planning application has been submitted for a new build development that would provide 9 apartments (in a mix of 1, 2 and 3 beds) in a 21⁄2 storey building and 22 parking spaces. The proposed plan would also require an access road to be built at the end of Lewis close and along the boundary of the C.S Lewis Nature Reserve run by the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust.
I spent my childhood playing in the C.S Lewis reserve and now bring my own children there to explore the wonders it holds. It truly is a magical place and C.S. Lewis based his writings about Narnia on it, although back then it was his back garden!
The reserve comprises mature woodland slopes and two ponds. The larger pond is noted for spawning toads and giant horsetail surrounding it. The nature reserve and surrounding area currently supports birds, reptiles, badgers and roosting bats among other wildlife. The area is also suitable for protected species such as Great Crested Newts which have been spotted in the area. The proposed development and access road will create noise, light, dust pollution and many more negative impacts on the environment and wildlife.
A preliminary ecological appraisal has been undertaken and although does cover some of the impacts on the potential wildlife others have been omitted. The report does make some suggestions to mitigate the impact such as a protective, closed fencing around the development area, a review of the design to ensure no light spill or disturbance post development, undertaking work outside the main bird nesting season etc. However I strongly feel that despite these measures to mitigate the impact the development will still have a detrimental effect the area and wildlife. One persons objection on the oxford city council planning webpage for this development also points out that a close solid fence could actually compound the danger to the animals.
Lewis close leading up to the reserve is peaceful and quiet and safe for the many children that use it to access the reserve. It is such a wonderful place and the access road and property development that is planned to run along it will no doubt pollute the lake, increase the traffic making it unsafe for pedestrians and spoil this place of amazing magic and beauty. This area is of national and historical significance and should be preserved for generations to come.
The nature reserve and the adjacent Lewis Close is peaceful and quiet. Many residents and visitors go there for the peace, tranquility and the inspiration it offers. The nature reserve and the house that C.S. Lewis lived in is of huge literary and historical importance and would be spoiled by this development.
I felt strongly that this development should not go ahead and decided to start this 38 degrees campaign. Please help me to stop this development from happening so future generations can continue to be inspired by its wildlife and wonder.
How it will be delivered
This petition was initially handed in person to Oxford City Council and was submited as an objection to the proposed development. The campaign was kept going and will be presented again to councillors at the meeting when the proposed development will be discussed. We need as much support as we can muster to attend that meeting.