To: Tower Hamlets Council, The Mayor, John Biggs and Department for Communities and Local Government
Save Our Public Nurseries in Tower Hamlets

Reverse the proposed cuts and review the proposal of privatising/outsourcing/commissioning all public nurseries in Tower Hamlets., John Smith, Overland, Mary Sambrook ( remaing 3 that are open)and Queen Mary as a promise was made to keep all 4 open.
Instead offer fair and robust consultation with public, parents, staff, and Trade Unions.
Instead offer fair and robust consultation with public, parents, staff, and Trade Unions.
Why is this important?
The nurseries are outstanding and a fabric of the local community. Some have been running for over 30 years, with dedicated well trained staff teams. They provide affordable childcare to children with different type of needs i.e special educational needs, deaf children, parents on low -medium income, lone parents, students, residents that may require support.
Cutting funding for these nursery's will affect parent’s ability to work and will affect the children's well-being, especially children who are disabled or have other specialised needs. If privatised the cost of these nurseries will go up, meaning that many parents will not be able to afford to send their children.
As parents we are concerned that cuts are the driving force of the Tower Hamlets proposals. Value needs to be given to quality of care provision, service user’s experience, rather than who can do it cheaper.
Tower Hamlets Council is depriving the vulnerable children the services vital to their development, putting additional stress on parents of Tower Hamlets and communities, destroying long lasting community hubs.
Our Tower Hamlets, Our Voice, Our Nurseries.
Cutting funding for these nursery's will affect parent’s ability to work and will affect the children's well-being, especially children who are disabled or have other specialised needs. If privatised the cost of these nurseries will go up, meaning that many parents will not be able to afford to send their children.
As parents we are concerned that cuts are the driving force of the Tower Hamlets proposals. Value needs to be given to quality of care provision, service user’s experience, rather than who can do it cheaper.
Tower Hamlets Council is depriving the vulnerable children the services vital to their development, putting additional stress on parents of Tower Hamlets and communities, destroying long lasting community hubs.
Our Tower Hamlets, Our Voice, Our Nurseries.
How it will be delivered
Delivered on 22nd March 2017 i.e 2033 signatures, but seems that our voice wasnt heard, so continuing collecting your views and comments to present once Council opens their formal consultation, so we can present even larger voice from TH community. Please keeps sharing and sign, if you havent already. Stop privatisation of children's nurseries.