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To: Mkt Harborough D.C. & Claybrooke Parva Parish Council

Save Our Trees

Cancel the felling of healthy trees on the Claybrooke Parva Village Green at the front of St. Peter's Parish Church and issue a Tree Preservation Order on all of the trees in this conservation area.

Why is this important?

The trees are an important area for the environment, for the birds nesting and roosting in them. The trees form a magnificent canopy over the village green, an amenity used by the general public and also by photographers especially for weddings and Christenings. The area is extremely attractive and sets off the approach to St. Peter's Church.

Claybrooke Parva, Leicestershire

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2017-06-02 22:04:46 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-06-02 13:45:40 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-06-01 17:13:30 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-05-28 15:46:07 +0100

10 signatures reached