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To: Local Council

Save the Tunstall Green Man from permenant closure

Register the Green Man Pubic house as a community asset

Why is this important?

Because there has been a pub in Tunstall Village since 1828 and no body wants to see that disappear, knowing it would never come back. The recent ownerships of the pub have not been suitable to the business, so the pub has struggled.
The community wants to have a say in the future of this asset, and how it is run.

Suffolk Coastal District

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2017-11-20 11:51:38 +0000

100 signatures reached

2017-11-19 10:58:20 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-11-18 22:45:57 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-11-18 21:32:38 +0000

10 signatures reached