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To: Notts County Council Planning Dept (Mike Hankin)

Say **NO!!** to Farnsfield Anerobic digestion facility

We want to campaign against Fresh Growers Ltd plans to develop an Anerobic Digester plant and industrial park at White Post, Farnsfield.

Why is this important?

'Anaerobic digestion', the sanitised label given to a facility that proposes to 'digest' 45,000+ tonnes of household waste, food waste, farm sewage, and other nasty pathogen laden waste into household energy.
Firstly: The increased amount of very large lorries, tractors and trailers coming from the A614 to the proposed entrance to the development. From information I have researched from other digester plants in the area I estimate there will be roughly 5000 loads per year. From my experience of two other digesters in the Nottinghamshire area these vehicles run from very early in the morning until very late at night seven days a week which will impact heavily on the local environment. The entrance to the development is virtually opposite the entrance to Wheelgate Theme Park. With the combined amount of traffic I would anticipate very large amounts of congestion between the entrance and White Post roundabout. This must also affect the safety of the large numbers of pedestrians many of whom are children who walk along the footpath to Wheelgate Theme Park.
Secondly: My second and more serious concern are the strong pungent odours which are emitted from these digester's which use rotting vegetables and chicken litter. Having worked in close proximity to two other similar digesters in the Nottingham area I have experienced these foul odours personally. As this is not seasonal waste but ongoing throughout the year, so is the smell. Whilst this smell will impact heavily on the immediate location of White Post roundabout it will also affect local villages such as Farnsfield, Rainworth and Blidworth.
Thirdly: Apart from being very antisocial to the people who live and work in the area a great deal of damage will be done to local businesses such as Wheelgate Theme Park, White Post Inn and White Post Farm Park, all of whom are offering an amenity to the general public.

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2015-07-21 11:59:34 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-07-18 20:23:33 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-07-17 13:29:59 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-07-17 08:30:24 +0100

10 signatures reached