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To: David Cameron

SCRAP proposed cuts to ESA/PIP for disabled people

Scrap the proposed changes to ESA/PIP which are such a lifeline to disabled people. These payments allow disabled people dignity, a measure of independence, and to remove them would effectively halve disabled people's income in many cases. These payments are the difference between poverty and a reasonably tolerable life living with disabilities no-one asked for. Disability can happen to anybody.

Why is this important?

No-one asks to be disabled. My partner has MS and was working right up until the disease struck. She bravely endures her disability, like many people do. Her ESA is a vital element to provide assistance and a small measure of Independence in a life, without which, would rapidly become completely joyless. Many other people rely upon this, too. This is not the action of a humane government.

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2016-03-17 13:51:00 +0000

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