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To: Animal health and welfare board.

Stop Selling or buying animals on Internet selling sites

Stop the advertising for poor defenceless animals for sale or free on unvetted sites like sphock.

Why is this important?

The people that are buying or selling the animals are not vetted in any way and these sites like sphock have no way of making sure the animals are going to a safe loving homes. Who knows where these animals are ending up they are sold very cheaply or just given away for nothing. With the worries of dog fighting and baiting and even over breeding these loving animals which could go to anyone from the average Joe to these sickening puppy farms with no background checks at all. This is supposed to be a boot market site not an animal adoption site, this is why we have rescue centres or actual sites that are designed for your pet to find a good safe loving home, not some site where you can buy a used tyre from.


2017-08-26 16:16:25 +0100

10 signatures reached