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SODEXO Free Carla Buckle, Carla is being denied vital meds and on HUNGER STRIKE

Release Carla Buckle, an innocent woman on grounds of compassion.

Why is this important?

Her brother is terminally ill, her family need her home as he possibly has only days to live (see update below).

Carla is a grandmother with a strong moral compass who has been unlawfully incarcerated, she is a compassionate caring upstanding lady, and the justice system has betrayed her terribly. No fair trial, this is a human rights violation.

No due process under the rule of law has been adhered to on this case, and an appeal was lodged prior to her arrest. Carla has been kidnapped by the police taken to an admin hearing and imprisoned for 8 weeks in the run up to Christmas, Carla is a Christian. We have had reports that she is cold and was placed in a dirty cell with unclean bedding. This is an absolute outrage to those who know her well and this is cruel inhuman and degrading treatment and unconstitutional. Carla is being subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment in Sodexo prison according to witnesses.

UPDATE 1/12/14 sadly Carla's Brother has now passed away without her by his side, due to her incarceration. Carla needs to be allowed to attend her brother's funeral.



2014-12-06 18:17:03 +0000

What Amnesty International is calling for

all prisoners of conscience to be set free without conditions
fair trials within a reasonable time or release for all political prisoners
all prisoners to be brought before an independent judicial authority
all prisoners to have access to relatives, doctors and lawyers
conditions of detention to follow international human rights standards
an end to long-term confinement in conditions of isolation
a prohibition on solitary confinement for imprisoned children
prompt and independent investigations into deaths in custody
safeguards against human rights violations in detention.

2014-12-06 18:16:43 +0000

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights no-one may be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or imprisonment. Detention is seen as ‘arbitrary’ when there is no legal basis for detention or there are grave violations of the right to a fair trial.

2014-12-06 13:43:02 +0000

will anyone take any notice?

2014-12-05 20:30:45 +0000
Council Tax VICTORY The Letter USED

2014-12-05 19:53:43 +0000
On the 2nd August 2013 at my liability order hearing I ask the Tottenham magistrates to explain how they arrived at a figure of £125 costs. They were unable to do so. I also explained in detail the caps and cuts by central government on top of which Haringey has imposed the council tax and the draconian and costly enforcement costs. Unreasonable costs merely add to the misery.

2014-12-05 19:16:25 +0000

The Judge has reviewed all the information provided, and has stated that the sentence is to remain.
As she refused to provide any details of her means, which has been requested on at least four occasions, and she wilfully refused to pay outstanding Council Tax Liabilities, the case was lawfully ordered.
The Judge has respectfully requested that this is to be the end of correspondence on this matter and that an appeal can be made to the High Court.

2014-12-05 12:16:39 +0000

some may find this FOI interesting or even useful in their own areas.

2014-12-04 19:26:54 +0000

major developments pending, cannot say what at the moment. thank you everyone for signing supporting and commenting <3

2014-12-04 14:37:33 +0000

Carla phoned this morning just before 10am, to tell us she is very weak and on BASIC whatever that means, she had little credit, I got a message to the family, Carla wants you to know she is doing this not just for her own children and grandchildren, for ALL the nations children. this is an unlawful and illegal abuse of due process. imio

2014-12-03 22:52:37 +0000
Nearer, My God, to Thee
Carla has been denied vital medication and has told prison staff today that she will leave that hell hole even if its in a body bag. Her organs are already degenerating due to lack of Thyroxine, she is in grave danger, and none of our public/civil servants will release her on compassionate or humanitarian grounds.

2014-12-03 18:22:05 +0000

Todays UK Column LIVE has had me on today to update re Carla 3/12/14 @1pm will post link as I can get one for you, otherwise its available today on the News Page.

2014-12-03 18:19:51 +0000

Carla Buckle who is in prison has just called me from Prison, she is not eating, so on' hunger Strike' she has told the prison staff she either leaves now or she will leave in a body bag, the call was very short, as she had no credit, she has asked me to let you all know about this. I know Carla very well and she is serious and nothing I say will change her mind. She also told me she loves me. I am gutted because I know she is already ill and weakened. I only hope and pray that God will spare her, we need a miracle and lots of prayers now folks en mass.

2014-12-02 20:06:38 +0000 the council have shot their feet here is a president on another case.. she should get out on appeal. In the mean time I have written to The MP for Carla's area expressing my disquiet re the arrogance of this Council Exec ALAN LAW, who is factually wrong re her case.

2014-12-02 11:58:11 +0000 West Berkshire Council Bragging feeling proud of their tyranny and treason. Carla Has never wilfully refused, neither has she been means tested, shame on this council and their Judiciary co conspirators. Pure evil.

2014-12-01 13:46:14 +0000

page for Carla updates as well as on here.