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SODEXO Free Carla Buckle, Carla is being denied vital meds and on HUNGER STRIKE

Release Carla Buckle, an innocent woman on grounds of compassion.

Why is this important?

Her brother is terminally ill, her family need her home as he possibly has only days to live (see update below).

Carla is a grandmother with a strong moral compass who has been unlawfully incarcerated, she is a compassionate caring upstanding lady, and the justice system has betrayed her terribly. No fair trial, this is a human rights violation.

No due process under the rule of law has been adhered to on this case, and an appeal was lodged prior to her arrest. Carla has been kidnapped by the police taken to an admin hearing and imprisoned for 8 weeks in the run up to Christmas, Carla is a Christian. We have had reports that she is cold and was placed in a dirty cell with unclean bedding. This is an absolute outrage to those who know her well and this is cruel inhuman and degrading treatment and unconstitutional. Carla is being subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment in Sodexo prison according to witnesses.

UPDATE 1/12/14 sadly Carla's Brother has now passed away without her by his side, due to her incarceration. Carla needs to be allowed to attend her brother's funeral.



2014-11-24 13:22:33 +0000

Another member of our group tried to act as a McKenzie friend for her in court,
but the judge didn't allow it. I am concerned that article 6 ECHR has been
abandoned. This lady does not deserve to be treated in this awful manner.

Please can you secure her immediate release on compassionate grounds, as her
Brother is dying and has not long to live. She is innocent as well.

yvonne stewart-taylor retired elected councillor and campaigner for Justice, for
all, regardless of status, title and financial means.

2014-11-24 13:21:23 +0000

alleged crime is actually witholding on ethical grounds to pay an unlawful tax, the Council Tax, and a
fine, a speeding ticket, neither of which she is contracted to under common law.
The prison is run by a private contractor, Sodexo Justice Services . Please can
you help by calling the prison and asking after Carla's wellbeing. The number
01784 425 690 ext 3579 and Carla's inmate number is: AO743DJ. I have known Carla
for years and Carla is a founder members of Berkshire & Oxfordshire Seeking
Peaceful Solutions against Injustices (formerly Berkshire & Oxfordshire Seeking
Solutions ). She's a brave and dedicated woman who deserves better than what's
happened to her.

2014-11-24 13:20:25 +0000

She is being held at HMP Bronzefield in Surrey. This is a women's prison
for adults and young offenders under "Category A"; this is defined as: Those
whose escape would be highly dangerous to the public or national security.
Offences may include: Attempted murder, Manslaughter, Wounding with intent,
Rape, Indecent assault, Robbery or conspiracy to rob (with firearms), Firearms
offences, Importing or supplying Class A controlled drugs, Possessing or
supplying explosives, Offences connected with terrorism and Offences under the
Official Secrets Act. Is Carla guilty of any of those crimes?

2014-11-24 13:14:54 +0000

Dear Ms Watson,

Thank you for your email to the Attorney General's office. Unfortunately the
Attorney General's office is unable to intervene or address the matters which
you have raised in your correspondence. You will need to contact the Ministry of
Justice and raise your concerns. Please see below for a link to the their

Yours sincerely,

Sayma Khatun
Correspondence Unit

2014-11-24 09:38:35 +0000

500 signatures reached

2014-11-23 23:41:00 +0000
(2)All duties and liabilities of the inhabitants of a county shall become and be duties and liabilities of the council of such county.
Local Government Act 1888 Suggest Peaceful and Lawful Inhabitant and NOT OCCUPIER.?

2014-11-23 19:12:14 +0000

shame on all those who are inactive re this lady

2014-11-23 17:33:43 +0000 Make Wars and Genocide History , you pay you aid and abet and you are guilty by ommision, how long can you turn a blind eye to gross injustice and carnage for corporate profit. Lex mercatoria is killing humanity.

2014-11-23 17:23:56 +0000

what has it come to when grandmothers are being taken out by a corrupt system destroying families for cash incentives, we are humanitarians protesting genocide and unlawful wars, we don't labour to bring souls into the world to have them stolen raped and murdered by our own government, do we?

2014-11-23 11:01:19 +0000

100 signatures reached

2014-11-23 05:23:04 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-11-23 00:53:49 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-11-23 00:32:11 +0000

10 signatures reached