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SODEXO Free Carla Buckle, Carla is being denied vital meds and on HUNGER STRIKE

Release Carla Buckle, an innocent woman on grounds of compassion.

Why is this important?

Her brother is terminally ill, her family need her home as he possibly has only days to live (see update below).

Carla is a grandmother with a strong moral compass who has been unlawfully incarcerated, she is a compassionate caring upstanding lady, and the justice system has betrayed her terribly. No fair trial, this is a human rights violation.

No due process under the rule of law has been adhered to on this case, and an appeal was lodged prior to her arrest. Carla has been kidnapped by the police taken to an admin hearing and imprisoned for 8 weeks in the run up to Christmas, Carla is a Christian. We have had reports that she is cold and was placed in a dirty cell with unclean bedding. This is an absolute outrage to those who know her well and this is cruel inhuman and degrading treatment and unconstitutional. Carla is being subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment in Sodexo prison according to witnesses.

UPDATE 1/12/14 sadly Carla's Brother has now passed away without her by his side, due to her incarceration. Carla needs to be allowed to attend her brother's funeral.



2014-12-01 12:36:25 +0000

Yvonne Taylor Mon, 1 Dec 2014 11:42I am very concerned that the Attorney Generals Office appears to have
washed its hands, re a very urgent humanitarian issue and a serious
request for urgent action to free a woman , Carla Buckle, a flesh and
blood live woman, who should not be imprisoned at all. I am so saddened
by what this family are being put through at this very sad time in all
of their lives. cont....

2014-12-01 12:35:47 +0000

Carla's Brother has passed away, during her
incarceration now, his funeral is t,morrow. Why has she not been
released on humanitarian grounds?, Can Carla at least be allowed to
attend her Brothers Funeral? I'm asking again for her release on
humanitarian and compassionate grounds.This is noticing you and you are
required to take urgent action in this matter, with immediate effect,
please.Thank you in anticipation.

2014-12-01 12:34:43 +0000

answer from Ombudsman Dear Ms Taylor

Thank you for your email about releasing Ms Buckle from HMP Bronzefield.

The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman can only consider complaints from prisoners'
themselves about their treatment by the Prison Service. This is because we need
to be sure they are happy for us to intervene and have completed all stages of
the internal complaints procedure.

If she hasn't complained about not being released for her brother's funeral then cont...

2014-12-01 12:33:57 +0000

she would need to complain about this matter before we could consider any
complaint. If she has, then she would need to send the complaint forms to us
herself with a cover letter that outlines her complaint and clearly explains the
reasons she remains dissatisfied with the responses she has received.

Also, we cannot investigate complaints about outside bodies such as decisions of
the courts, the police, the Parole Board and its Secretariat. If Ms Buckle
considers that she has been falsely imprisoned then she can ask the Criminal
Cases Review Commission (CCRC) to look into her case. The CCRC can be contacted
at 5 St Philip's Place, Birmingham B3 2PW.

Yours sincerely

Emma Marshall
Allocation and Assessment Team

2014-12-01 10:17:07 +0000

Carla Buckle Update - After visiting Carla at HMP Bronzefield yesterday I can report the Carla was in relatively good spirits considering her situation. Carla is being denied money that has been given to her this past Friday with security claiming it was 'past the cut off point'. Without me knowing this I donated some money too but Carla will receive none of this for at least Two weeks due to Prison rules (that said, I have heard other prisoners do not have any issues) Carla is having letters sent to her and is not receiving them, they are being withheld" cont....

2014-12-01 10:16:27 +0000

" She is being refused access to a telephone and is today going to attempt to get to the head of security to get what is rightfully hers as many of her human rights are currently being breached. Carla has even had to take some of the polystyrene found from food tubs to place in her plimsolls to help keep her feet warm. The wardens in there are aware Carla's alleged offence is not criminal but they continue to treat her as if she is a criminal. I have to say, hearing Carla talk of 'ending' her life during the first few weeks really upset me. This was because Sodexo were not passing on messages of support to Carla. nor where they returning anyone's phone calls. Something they seem to be doing now but only marginally better than before. As I have already said, Carla is in better spirits now and I have passed on all messages of support and she is most grateful (it was nice to see her smile)." Martin M Beard

2014-12-01 10:14:34 +0000
The Offenders’ Families Helpline
[email protected]
Telephone: 0808 808 2003

2014-12-01 01:25:27 +0000

Carla Buckle Update
Many thanks again to all those who have signed her petition I have just spoke to Jenny Carlas daughter and have sad news, Carlas brother died peacefully in his sleep with all his family around him except of course Carla
I would not normally do this but now feel compelled to do so and hope you all understand my reasons. Carla has kept day to day notes of her ordeal right from her unlawful arrest, the last entry reads..
I am locked up for twenty hours a day I thought about ending it all but I received 3 letters from supporters and reasurance someone is trying to get me help which has restored my faith.
This shows the positive impact your letters of support has had when she needed it most and I thank those who took the time write to her. Please Id like everyone to write if only a few lines and let her know we are doing everything we can to work for her release, but dont let her know yet the sad news this is best left for family. Thank you.

2014-11-29 10:36:42 +0000

Carla Buckle Update
Well after more than twenty phone calls and one wasted visit we managed to see Carla today at HMP Bronzefield. Although I was expecting her to be upset I just wanted to give her a big hug when the tears started (I have to be professional but Im still human) She has felt totally abandoned until she received several letters from members

2014-11-29 10:35:13 +0000

Please help keep her spirits up and lets flood her with letters of support even if its just a few lines. Once again Thank You I love you all
Address to write to is ...
Ms Carla Buckle
HMP Bronzefield
Woodthorpe Road
Middlesex TW15 3JZ Peter Glastonbury

2014-11-29 10:34:28 +0000

" I cant thank those members enough for taking the time to write, you really lifted her spirits. Im under a duty not to disclose any information in relation to her case but I can tell you all that Carla has been unlawfully imprisoned and that those responsible will be held liable. I would like to thank all the members of the group who have signed the petition to release Carla."

2014-11-27 12:39:18 +0000

Carla is still waiting for a visit with regard to her appeal of the speeding charges against her, two weeks have almost passed now and she has not had a visit, despite two men driving a considerable distance on her behalf only to be turned away from the prison without seeing her. Peter has already lodged an appeal prior to her arrest.

2014-11-25 17:28:29 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2014-11-24 21:33:49 +0000 you will need to be on my friends list or at least on facebook to see my notes, there are hundreds go have a dig.