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To: Prime Minister , the Rt Hon David Cameron MP

SOS: Save Refuges, Save Lives

25/11/2014 SOS campaign success! Just four days after we handed in our SOS petition to Downing Street, the Department for Communities and Local Government has committed to a £10 million for refuges.

Our world-leading national network of specialist refuges is in a crisis. Across England, specialist refuges are closing or being replaced by non-specialist providers because of funding cuts and poor local commissioning decisions.

We want the Government to commit to preserving the national network of specialist refuges and exploring a new model of funding and commissioning for refuges which supports a sustainable service and high quality care. Without refuges, women will have nowhere to go to flee domestic violence. This crisis will cost lives. We must act now.

Why is this important?

Two women are killed every week in England by a partner or ex-partner. These are the women who desperately need these specialist refuges.
Last year Women's Aid member organisations supported nearly 10,000 women and over 10,000 children in refuge accommodation. However, on one day alone in 2013, 155 women with 103 children were turned away from the first refuge they approached, primarily due to a lack of available spaces.
From 2010 to 2014 the number of specialist refuges declined from 187 to 155, leaving many more vulnerable women and children at risk and without specialist support.

Closures of specialist refuges will cost lives. Help us to keep these services open for the women and children who need them. Help us Save Refuges to Save Lives.

How it will be delivered

We will deliver these petitions by hand.




2015-06-12 09:23:37 +0100

Petition is successful with 39,189 signatures

2015-02-20 11:30:05 +0000

Petition is successful with 39,089 signatures

2015-02-02 23:35:11 +0000

Petition is successful with 39,085 signatures

2015-01-24 16:02:03 +0000

Petition is successful with 39,082 signatures

2014-11-26 00:50:28 +0000

Petition is successful with 38,957 signatures

2014-11-25 17:04:26 +0000

Petition is successful with 38,944 signatures

2014-09-27 10:12:31 +0100

20,000 signatures reached

2014-09-25 12:17:47 +0100

10,000 signatures reached

2014-09-16 15:35:50 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2014-09-03 15:25:02 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2014-09-03 11:20:58 +0100

500 signatures reached

2014-09-03 07:59:12 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-09-03 07:24:44 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-09-03 07:11:52 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-09-03 06:46:22 +0100

10 signatures reached