To: Scottish Parliament

stop discrimination against dyslexic nurses

Stop discrimination towards Dyslexic nurses.

Why is this important?

Other nurses working with Dyslexic nurses should have training to give them an understanding of what it is like. More support and help. If nursing is a truly caring profession then why are they discriminating against dyslexic nurses. I have contacted the first minister Nicola Sturgeon to stop the unfair treatment that is given to dyslexic nurses. I would like others to join me, to campaign. I was ridiculed and humiliated at school and now I have had the same treatment from the NHS Lanarkshire.

Dyslexic nurses self monitor more than other nurses and are able to develop positive strategies to overcome the challenges that present them. There needs to be more training for the other nurse to be given an understanding what it is like to be dyslexic. I was a good nurse that had no competence issues, until I told a ward manager I thought I was dyslexic and then the problems started. I have being discriminated against and told I was a risk to patients, the NHS Lanarkshire do not what Dyslexic nurses. I was told that I showed no insight into the risk I was to patient because I did not tell them I was Dyslexic, I had not been diagnosed at this time. I have left nursing because of the way I have been treated, but will campaign to help others. I think Dyslexic nurses make good nurses, but it is the ignorance of other that cause the problem. I would like others to join my campaign, we have a right to be treated fairly.