To: HM Revenue and Customs

Stop HMRC wasting money by posting out 'Annual Tax Statements'

Don't waste any of my tax money posting me out an 'Annual Tax Summary' - I already get this information from my employer in the form of an annual P60 - if I want or need to know how you waste it I can find out from freely available sources I don't need it in a pathetic coloured pie chart - coloured printing makes this pointless and needlessly worrying document (what do you think people think when they get an unexpected letter from the tax man drop through their door?) even more expensive.

Why is this important?

You have cut back on staff and made your service hopeless for those who need to query you - from personal experience those on low income and having to take agency or multiple jobs in a short space of time are assumed to be tax dodgers and put on emergency rate when they are those who can least afford it, yet you neither investigate or prosecute those who are dodging thousands of pounds in tax. Use money to provide a better service not a pointless additional information exercise.