To: Justine Greening MP

Stop the cuts to education

Please don't make funding formula changes to the Education system that threaten the future prospects of our children.

Why is this important?

The education our children receive has a huge influence on their future chances in life but the Government plan to change the funding formula to schools. The Education Policy Institute says the impact of “large real terms per pupil cuts of between 6% and 11% by 2019-20” amounts to an average loss of £74,000 per primary and £291,000 per secondary school.

The EPI add: “It equates to, on average, the loss of almost two teachers across all primary schools and six teachers across all secondary schools.” School buses and extra curricular activities may also be impacted and parents may be asked to take up the slack, impacting poorer and remote communities most.

The Government cannot be allowed to gamble with our children's future. Please sign and share this petition to put pressure on the Education Secretary.