Successful Campaigns

Successful Campaigns
  • Protect the Gwent Levels and stop the proposed M4 motorway
    We won! The Welsh Government will not build the £1.6bn M4 relief road, First Minister Mark Drakeford has decided.
    21,264 Signatures
    Created by Bleddyn Lake
  • Close down Penwern Puppy Farm
    We wanted the licence for the puppy farm to be revoked and it was 7 months after the petition was handed to the Council.
    18,588 Signatures
    Created by Jean Steel
  • Ban the import of hunting trophies
    10/12/21 FINALLY, A WIN FOR WILD ANIMALS After decades of campaigning and years of waiting, Born Free welcomes UK Government plans to end the legal import of trophies from hundreds of wild animals, shot for ‘fun’. Read more here:
    223,807 Signatures
    Created by Born Free
  • Let the Telfers keep their home and business
    03/04/19 We won! Tenant farmers, David and Alison Telfer have won their fight against eviction from their farm. An agreement has been reached and the Telfers are able to remain in their home until retirement. Joan McAlpine MSP, who had been fighting to let the Telfers remain, had this to say about our petition: "I'd also like to thank the organisers of the 38 Degrees petition who gathered 89,000 names of people who wanted to support Alison and David."
    89,264 Signatures
    Created by Aeneas Nicolson
  • Don't scrap the pensions dashboard
    Pensions dashboard The government committed to getting the pensions dashboard off the ground. It means we’ll be able to keep track of all our pensions in one place, stopping us losing out on thousands of pounds. When news came out that the government was considering scrapping the dashboard, over 200,000 of us jumped into action. We signed open letters, emailed our MPs and our research, which proved how much people could lose without a pensions dashboard, was plastered all over the press. The government saw our messages in their inboxes and in the media - and yesterday they acted.
    200,192 Signatures
  • End long distance live animal transport
    On the 3rd December 2020 the Environment Secretary announced plans to ban live exports following Britain’s departure from the EU. This ban is dependent upon the result of an eight-week consultation, beginning today, which seeks views on ending the export of live animals for slaughter and fattening where the journeys begin or transit through England or Wales. Due to this awful trade, animals must endure excessively long journeys, and frequently experience pain, exhaustion, stress and overcrowding. Having campaigned to put an end to this suffering for over 50 years, we are delighted to hear that the Government plans to ban live exports at long last. Echoing our sentiments exactly, George Eustice, Defra Secretary of State, called the trade a “cruel and unnecessary practice”, in a press release on the announcement.
    187,397 Signatures
    Created by Compassion in World Farming
  • 178,248 Signatures
    Created by Mike Armitage Picture
  • Reverse the decision to exclude animal sentience from the EU withdrawal bill
    12/12/17 - We Won! Great news! Michael Gove, the Environment Minister has drafted a new law to specifically recognise animal sentience. The result of our campaign is fantastic news, this will keep standards of animal welfare, at the high levels we have come to expect, from a nation with a reputation for compassion and care. I am grateful to the Government for listening to us, and I think we should all be very proud of this achievement. - Dave Babb - Petition Starter Sky news say: "Mr Gove has been forced to act after social media campaigns by 38 Degrees, Compassion in World Farming and other groups targeted Conservative MPs, calling on them to reverse their vote against recognising animal sentience." The bill proposes ministers "must have regard to the welfare needs of animals as sentient beings in formulating and implementing Government policy". Unveiling his plans after visiting Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, Mr Gove claimed: "As we leave the EU we will deliver a Green Brexit, not only maintaining but enhancing animal welfare standards...Animals are sentient beings who feel pain and suffering, so we are writing that principle into law and ensuring that we protect their welfare." Thank you so much to everyone who signed and shared the petition! Read more here:
    365,475 Signatures
    Created by Dave Babb
  • Bring back bottle deposits to stop plastic pollution in our oceans.
    We Won! 28/03/18 The government today announced that they are going to introduce a bottle deposit return scheme! Congratulations to the hundreds of thousands of people that have campaigned to help make this a reality! 38 Degrees blog post BBC news
    331,343 Signatures
  • Don't sell plants treated with bee-harming pesticides
    Update 16/11/17 We won! Homebase says it intends to end the sale of plants grown that have been treated with neonicotinoid-based pesticides by the end of 2018. They said: "We have been working closely with our suppliers and seeking advice from other stakeholders about the use of neonicotinoids and we have committed to stop using these insecticides on garden plants, as well as removing neonicotinoid-based garden care products from sale by the end of 2018." Read more here:
    137,285 Signatures
    Created by Martin Corbett