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To: Jeremy Corbyn

Support Jeremy Corbyn: No to nuclear weapons! No to Trident!

Please maintain your stance on nuclear weapons and Trident in the face of the wave of vicious opposition coming your way from media, right wing politicians, self-interested parties and even members of your own shadow cabinet. Your position reflects not only your own moral refusal to make yourself a mass murderer and war criminal, but is also legally, strategically and militarily correct, and in accordance with the UK's international treaty obligations to pursue nuclear disarmament. We give you our unconditional support in your quest for a nuclear-free world.

Why is this important?

Jeremy Corbyn's political enemies are seeking to undermine his position as Labour Leader and have chosen nuclear weapons as their attack platform. We must not allow them to get away with it.

Some helpful advice from a supporter - a great way to get this petition circulating widely is to share on comments on relevant online newspaper articles! For those of you that have the time ....

Facebook 'misbehaviour'. A number of supporters have reported that Facebook is not sharing this petition. I have tried to do it myself and failed with a very unusual message. The petition has also 'dropped off' The Ecologist's timeline. I have now re-posted on Facebook with a perma-URL of . You should be able to share from there. Either that or just copy the petition URL in the browser bar to your timeline.



2015-10-02 13:01:28 +0100

We have had an incredible first day with over 3,500 signatures in 24 hours. but the momentum has now slowed and I was wondering why. Then I saw a report that Facebook was not sharing any more. I tried it myself and it failed. A post of the petition has also disappeared from The Ecologist's FB page. I have now put it back with a perma-URL of (but no photo or strapline).

Please keep it going by sharing the actual URL in the browser bar to Facebook, Tweeting, and good old-fashioned emailing your friends. Let's keep this one shared and moving and try to get it up to 10,000 signatures to send a strong message of support to Jeremy on this crucial issue!

You can also share the original article on The Ecologist that inspired the petition, and links to it:

2015-10-01 17:37:21 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2015-10-01 16:26:14 +0100

500 signatures reached

2015-10-01 14:04:48 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-10-01 13:39:33 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-10-01 13:28:48 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-10-01 13:16:13 +0100

10 signatures reached