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To: Mary Tavy Parish Council

The disrespectful ruling of the cemetery

The parish council need to review their rules and regulations in keeping with present times and legislations. I.e mental health act and human right act which I believe is incorporated in a persons individual right to grieve and show their respect to their loved ones.

Why is this important?

For generations, the residents of Mary Tavy and surrounding area's have laid their family members to rest in Mary Tracy Church.
Recently rules have been created that doesn't allow families to respect their love ones in the way they wish to. This includes not being allowed to have the words they choose on their head stones. To have only one flower pot in the head stone. Making it difficult and upsetting for family's to pay their respects on anniversarys or birthdays as there isn't enough room to place flowers.
I myself had a personalised flower pot placed on my grandparents grave. I spoke to the council myself about what it meant to me and my family to have it there. It was removed and thrown away. Other items I have placed down, inoffensive small pots to place flowers in also thrown away. This is not only disrespectful to the dead it is also damaging to the mental health of the still living families. I feel as a community and for anyone who has ever lost someone they love it is time to take a stand and voice what the people feel.

Mary Tavy

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2017-09-08 20:33:09 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-09-08 13:30:34 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-09-08 12:20:18 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-09-08 11:49:58 +0100

10 signatures reached