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To: Lewes District Council

Treat the self-employed of Lewes district fairly

We the undersigned call upon Lewes District Council to end its recently adopted policy of discriminating against the self employed and offer Council Tax relief equally to all residents on the basis of their actual income, rather than assessing all self employed people as automatically earning a floor amount that stops them from being eligible for Council Tax relief.

Why is this important?

Lewes District Council has just announced that it will no longer calculate Council Tax Relief based on self-employed people’s actual income and that it will now use an arbitrary income figure based on a calculation of 37 hours times the Minimum Wage. This will have the effect of immediately cutting the amount given in Relief to many of our hard-working self-employed.

In this area many local residents are self-employed and together make a huge economic contribution to our area. They are to be valued, not penalised.
Lewes District

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8 years ago

Partial Reprieve. The petition was ably presented to Lewes District Council by Labour's Emily Clarke supported by Independent District councillor Ruth O@'Keefe. We did not have enough signatures to force the Review Committee to reexamine this issue, BUT we were encouraged to continue this petition and the campaign. We have in effect been given more time! Please ask your friends in Lewes District Council Area to sign!! Unfortunately they will not accept signatures from outside this area. If we get to 750 , Policy will be reviewed by the review committee, 1500 will trigger a full council debate. Nick Belcher, Lewes labour Party

8 years ago

100 signatures reached

8 years ago

50 signatures reached

8 years ago

25 signatures reached

8 years ago

10 signatures reached