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To: Insurance Companies

Vehicle Insurances for young people

Stop discriminating against young people - claiming that they are higher risk of danger for the other road users.

Why is this important?

We all now how important Human Rights are in the 21st century. We fight for the equal employment rights for women, we fight for the equality in regards to different races and cultures, however we sometimes forget to fight for ourselves.

Yes, I am aiming this at you: young generation living in the United Kingdom.

Car insurance companies in the UK are claiming that young drivers are a much higher risk to other road users, thus they deserve to pay premiums, which 90% of us can not pay. Did they test your driving skills? Do they know how well aware and careful you are when driving on the road? No!

I believe this means that we - younger generation are being discriminated against based on our age, despite the fact that the majority of young drivers are much more careful on the road than perhaps the older generation.

I, my self have been driving in this country for 5 years now - I am 23 years old, which means that I have 5 years of No Claim Bonus's. However, I still somehow end up paying over 3.000 pounds per year for my car insurance. And no - I do not drive a BMW or a Mercedes; it is a Toyota.

The Government, despite knowing about the situation does not seem to be doing much about it, so I believe it is time for us to stand up and fight for our rights - just like the others do.

We just simply want to drive! Just like the others. It is our right, given by the Government to be able to own and function a vehicle, and the only forces that stop us from doing so are the insurance companies.


2016-01-30 17:47:04 +0000

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