Save Our Libraries

Campaigns aimed at maintaining funding for local libraries - keeping them open, public, and accessible

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Campaigns (10)

  • Leeds
    Save Crossgates Library
    It has been reallocated to the local shopping centre and it would be far better suited to its original, purpose built building. We do not believe the shopping centre unit is large enough nor secure enough to allow patrons to use the library in the way they have been able to in its own building. Children do not have their own quiet space, the units feel cramped and too full. This space was intended to be temporary and behaves as such. Local libraries are community hubs, they help with not just reading but internet connection, learning, toddler groups, the elderly population getting to connect with other people in the community.
    1,910 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Susan Baker
  • Lichfield
    Save Lichfield Library
    The Friary site was gifted in 1920 by Richard Cooper MP for the ‘permanent use and benefit of the citizens of Lichfield’. It’s an important and historic public resource for the people of Lichfield and surrounding areas. It is not just a library building, but a fantastic community hub. The proposals to relocate to St Mary’s in the Market Square would see a drastic reduction in floor size, so the space for books, computers and various community groups will be greatly diminished. Library services are evolving and public funding is being slashed, but the County Council has a duty to ensure an open and democratic public consultation about the future of the site, before any decisions are made on the future of the building. The County has shown a lack of transparency on it's strategy for disposal and some details of the deal have only recently been disclosed. To achieve the disposal of the whole site requires the Library and Record Office to move out. The County Council is obviously motivated by the financial pressures they are under rather than the local community benefit the services and site provide. Once the site is sold, it will be lost to the people of Lichfield forever.
    2,694 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Pass
  • Aberystwyth
    Save the old Aberystwyth town library
    The library was donated to the town by Andrew Carnegie in the 1900s, and the Carnegie Trust UK maintain the ethos of his contributions to be for "improvement of the masses of people of Great Britain and Ireland by such means as are embraced within the meaning of the word "charitable" and which Trustees may from time to time select as best fitted from age to age for securing these purposes, remembering that new needs are constantly arising as the masses advance." ****We have received over 100 signatures on paper since starting the campaign 2 days ago - please show your support - sign & share the online petition***
    426 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Amy Daniel
  • Save Herefordshire Libraries
    As you may know we raised nearly 10,000 signatures previously and will raise even more this time if they fail to get the message. Our libraries should be off-limits to all corporate destruction! . Following the initial success, we are well aware the battle is not yet over as the impact assessment forms produced by HCC are a complete travesty, along with consultation guides which still include the original proposal in disguise. This battle continues .... The amazing response to this campaign forced the Tory led cabinet to bring this issue to a full council meeting on the 24th May 2013. A little victory in itself. Volunteers can assist, but not run libraries or museums. For example it requires 18 volunteers to keep Peterchurch Library open for 10 hours per week. Further denigration of services, for instance the cancellation of inter-library lending, have since been introduced without consultation, continuing the secrecy operated by the council cabinet. Illegal under the 1964 act. We apparently have three Turner paintings in the county ... do you think these paintings that belong to us the people should be sold off into the hands of private enterprise? We don't! Many people, of all ages and from all backgrounds, are adversely affected when a local library is closed: • As well as a place from which to borrow books, the local library provides information and free ICT. It’s a place to meet friends and join social activities such as, reading groups, bounce & rhyme sessions, storytelling sessions etc. • Children need libraries to support their literacy and reading development. The library also provides them with a place to study, with staff that can help them with their homework.The Summer Reading Challenge ensures that children continue to develop their reading skills during the long summer break. • There are many people, especially the elderly, and those living alone, who value the opportunity offered by the library and its staff, for conversation and companionship. • The local library is a place where vulnerable members of the community feel safe and receive support. • There are very few indoor, public spaces which are warm and welcoming, where one can linger without spending money. • People visit the local library if they need help; for example with form filling, letter writing, using ICT, or when they need information that they are unable to find elsewhere. There are still large numbers of people who do not have access to IT, other than in their local library. • Job seekers, make use of the library’s ICT to look for and apply for jobs; they also borrow books on job seeking techniques, writing CVs, interview skills etc., and books to help them improve their work based skills. An economic downturn is the worst time to close libraries. • When Universal Credit is introduced applications will have to be made online, those without computers at home will need to make use of ICT in their local library. • Many visitors to the county use the libraries for tourist information; they also value the ICT for communicating with friends and family back home and for printing airline, coach and train tickets for their return journeys. • The provision of ‘Books on Prescription’ supports the work of the health service. • Researchers in, Family and Local History rely on the library to provide them with the relevant source materials. Hereford Library has been closed to the public for 3 months, due to asbestos problems, long known about. One might legitimately ask why they started interfering with the building when already armed with that knowledge. The temporary library is not fit for purpose due to the lack of study space, computer facilities, space for children's activities, homework facilities etc. Herefordshire council is no longer providing the people of Hereford with a 'comprehensive' library service as required by the Public Libraries & Museums Act 1964: It is surely time to ask Ed Vaizey, Minister of State for Culture Media and Sport, and Jesse Norman local MP and chair of the DCMS committee, to intervene. Contact details for Ed Vaizey: and Jesse Norman : Please share with all who are missing their library service.
    2,011 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by John Perkins
  • Keep Fife's Libraries Open
    On 18th June Fife Cultural Trust, who run Fife's libraries on behalf of Fife Council, announced the proposal to close 16 libraries across the county: Glenwood (Glenrothes), Thornton, Markinch, Pitteuchar (Glenrothes), Kinghorn, Crail, Lundin Links, Pittenweem, Colinsburgh, Falkland, Freuchie, East Wemyss, Bowhill, Crossgates, Abbeyview (Dunfermline) and Townhill. These libraries provide many people with vital internet services and access to books that they would otherwise not get. Many unemployed people or those on low income cannot afford internet contracts and therefore use the libraries for this: closing them means far more restricted access to things like online banking, bill payments and job searching. Some of the areas affected are rural and by closing these internet access points they will have to use public transport to travel further afield; this is money they do not have, and may lead to benefit sanctions if they cannot apply for jobs. Update (23/6/15): Local councillors have managed to stall the closures by demanding Fife Council give a public consultation. While this is great news we still need to continue having our voices heard.
    3,801 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Bryce Sutherland
  • Sheffield
    Local Voice for the Walkley Carnegie Building
    We believe the sale of the building to a private company (Forum Cafe Bars Ltd) is being rushed without possible alternatives being considered. The local community has not been properly consulted and the sale process has been neither democratic nor transparent. The building was gifted by Carnegie to serve the people of Walkley. Once it is sold to a private company it will never again be a public resource - there is no going back. This community resource will be lost forever. The proposed arrangements have been described as a partnership but wider community voice has been removed. Some local people have voiced their opposition but have been ignored. There has been little or no consultation, little or no information has been made available to the wider community and specific questions about the sale process have not been answered. It is important that the sale is put on hold until: 1) the community has a say in the future Walkley Carnegie Library building 2) the sale process (removal from public ownership) being followed is documented, made transparent and shared with the community.
    2,024 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Butcher
  • Hale
    Help Us Save Hale Library
    Hale library and community hub, situated in the heart of Hale village, is one of the most used libraries in Trafford with a footfall of 80,000 visits a year and over 30 groups who use its rooms and services. It is a well loved and vibrant community asset which is under threat because Trafford Council want to reduce their running costs and realise a capital receipt from the sale of the library site. Thousands of residents and local business people have voiced their opposition to the downsizing or closure of this valuable community asset which is more than just books. From a wide range of children's activities through to services for older people the library provides the embodiment of social provision and community spirit. Friends of Hale Library, an independent charity, working in partnership with other community groups has listened to the needs and aspirations of the people in Hale and has come up with a long term and financially viable solution for the future of the library and community hub. We request that Trafford Council fulfil its obligation to Hale residents by engaging positively and openly with Friends of Hale Library and its partners who represent the voice of the people.
    1,890 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Avril Moussalli
  • Save Wirral's Library Service
    Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council is attempting to save money by drastically cutting the staffing levels of its library service to the point where we question whether it is in danger of breaching its obligations under the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964. It is proposing to reduce the opening hours of libraries at a time when it is also requiring Wirral residents to communicate with the authority digitally via the internet. Residents who cannot afford broadband must rely on computers in their local libraries. The people who are trained to help them are the very librarians whose jobs are under threat. These proposed cuts will disproportionally affect the poorer people of the borough and also young people who use libraries for research and as a safe,supportive and quiet place for completing.homework and projects. At a time when the NHS is flagging up that the underlying cause of many illnesses is isolation and loneliness, our Local Authority is planning to restrict access to a valuable service which provides community cohesion and support to thousands of the most vulnerable people in our borough.
    3,310 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Rob Oliver
  • No to Closure of Barnet Libraries
    The proposed savings of £2.85 million from the Library Services in Barnet threatens the existence of one of the last remaining community amenities we have left. Three options have been put forward by the Council to make these savings; all three will see a reduction in the quality and quantity of service provision. Option one will see the size of library cut in all but four libraries. This idea fails to understand that libraries are used for their space as well as their books; less places for pupils and students to study and read results in a reduction of the quality of service. Option two will see the closure of Burnt Oak, Childs Hill, Mill Hill, East Finchley, Osidge and South Friern Libraries and a significant reduction of staffing levels at the remaining libraries. This option does not consider how the remaining libraries will cope with increased footfall owning to the closure of the other libraries, particularly around peak library times. Option three is a mix of the two, with some libraries being handed over to community groups and reduced staffing elsewhere. Libraries are the embodiment of social provision and community spirit. They are more than just books; they offer children's activities during term and holidays which are used by parents and nurseries. They offer access to the internet to those that don't have access. They provide space for people to read and study in peace that is not always possible in their homes. They are places to host community events, training and education. I use the library for my daughter; renting books but mainly for their toddler activities. My nursery also go there regularly. Please sign this petition if you believe in the universal provision of literature, education and community services in Barnet. Say no to the erosion of this great social asset.
    5,980 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Alasdair Hill
  • St. Just
    Hands Off St Just Library
    There are at least 9 groups which use the library from tiny tots to the elderly - including knitting groups, family history group, creative writing groups, toddler groups and even wool spinning. The computers enable the unemployed without internet access at home to search for work as the job centre requires them to do. The buses from St Just to Penzance have recently been cut and the prices raised. St Just is a growing community with a new housing estate just built which will house many people who will benefit from a local library. Tourist use the library in summer for computer access and the valuable local knowledge of our librarians. Your cuts will mean the library is only open for one full day and two half days. This is planned to happen in June - just in time for the height of the tourist season!
    1,329 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gill Caven