Save the Human Rights Act

This is a hub page to bring together campaigns aimed at protecting the Human Rights Act.

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Campaigns (5)

  • Save The Human Rights Act of Northern Ireland
    It is important for all the people in Northern Ireland to have the right of free political thought and to have the right to freedom of expression of religion the right to pursue democratically national and political aspirations and the right to seek constitutional change by peaceful and legitimate means the right to freely chose one's place of residence the right to equal opportunity in all social and economic activity regardless of class creed disability,gender or ethnicity the right to freedom from sectarian harassment the right of women to full and equal political participation We the people of Northern Ireland needs Human Rights Safe Guards kept in place to help protect the weak the sick and the disabled we need our Human Rights to be protected in Northern Ireland for our Childrens future we need it to protect our children who can't speak up for themselves if you have a child who is disabled that child must be protected for later life .We can't have our older community not being looked after when they have to go into care we want our older generation to be treated by respect we want are sick children who have rare or ultra rare diseases to have the same rights as children in Europe we want you to think before the Government Removes the Human Rights Act In Northern Ireland Please Sign Our Petition
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Terence Hoey
  • Save the Human Rights Act
    The Human Rights Act is an important act designed to protect each and every individual from inequality and injustice be it from another individual, corporations or our own government. As such the decision to remove or change that protection should, ultimately should lie with the people of the UK - not politicians. In the past we've been rightly proud of our tough stance around the world on human rights. The UK will not extradite to a country where the death penalty is used. UK politicians have called for Guantanamo to be closed and laws criminalising homosexuality in Africa and elsewhere to be overturned. We accept that the Conservative party won the 2015 General Election with a majority, however a decision on something as important as this has to have the backing of the majority of the electorate, not just the 36% that voted Conservative. We are therefore asking you to do the right democratic thing and bring your proposal for a 'British Bill of Rights' before the electorate in a referendum and let them decide if they wish to opt for this, or keep the existing Human Rights legislation.
    12,061 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by David Slaney
  • Save The Human Rights Act
    The Human Rights Act 1998 offers citizens of the UK many basic protections of their human rights. Under the Conservative's plans they will repeal this act. Don't just sit there whilst this Government begin to slowly strip us of protection whilst they implement their policies. Have your say! Please sign the petition, share with your friends in order to protect our basic human rights!
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jack Pethick
  • Stop the government putting the abolition of the Human Rights Act into the Queens Speech
    The individual needs protection from infringements of their human rights. Once the Act is abolished it leaves the way open for any government to ride rough-shot over them.
    6,414 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Siegrun O'Sullivan
  • Save our Human Rights
    The act covers everyone living in the UK. The policies have been created for no reason other than to protect us as human beings. Without it any one of us could be wrongly accused of a crime, the government will be allowed to breach our privacy, and anyone could fall victim to careless decisions made by authorities. What happens to innocent until proven guilty and dignity in dying? We will ALL be affected. How can anyone oppose any of the following: Right to life Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment Right to liberty and security Freedom from slavery and forced labour Right to a fair trial No punishment without law Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence Freedom of thought, belief and religion Freedom of expression Freedom of assembly and association Right to marry and start a family Protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms Right to peaceful enjoyment of your property Right to education Right to participate in free elections
    331,608 of 400,000 Signatures
    Created by Lucy M