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To: UK Government


We call on the UK government to provide a single tier pension for all pensioners set above the official UK poverty level.

Why is this important?

Pensioner poverty is still a major issue for many older people across the UK and was one of the main reasons the Triple Lock system was first introduced. As it stands, 1 in 7 pensioners (equating to 1.6 million or 14% of all pensioners living in the UK) are still living in poverty with a further 1.2 million pensioners (just over 10% of UK pensioners) living just above the poverty line.
The SPF feel it is necessary for policy makers to bear in mind the long struggle to establish a caring, supportive state pension in the first instance and to ensure a single tier pension for all pensioners. As changes to the conditions for receipt of a full state pension continue as well as the state pension age continuing to rise, it is time that the pensioners' voices are heard and that that the government take notice of the contribution older people made, and still make, to the economy and society as a whole.


2017-03-29 23:33:39 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-03-14 22:43:51 +0000

10 signatures reached