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To: Local MP

Abolish unisex toilets in primary and secondary school

Reverse decision on unisex toilets for primary and secondary schools. Stop schools from making decisions regarding this without notifying parents and children.

Why is this important?

The school did not notify the parents or the children, my daughter said she was shocked when a boy walked in, so she walked out thinking she was in the wrong toilet. Some children have said they stopped using the toilets and wait till they get home. This is not healthy.

Unisex toilets in my child's school is unsuitable for both boys and girls to use together, the gap is too much both at the bottom and the top.

When parents complained the school’s response to parents was if they don’t like it, they can take their child out of the school.

We share toilets at home but we do not all go in at the same time! We have a toilet we can lock no one can look over the cubicles or under, the bin sink and toilet is all in one place and we are not strangers in one house.

Both genders will be going through hormonal changes and bodily changes. Some girls start their menstrual cycle early. Will they not be embarrassed to use a shared toilet? As an adult I would be.

Both girls and boys have the right to explore their bodies in their own privacy amongst the same gender. The unisex toilets restrict this development which is sad as we grew up in our own privacy amongst our own gender and the school is taking this away.

It is not in our best interest to use unisex toilets as adults so how can we justify unisex toilet for girls over the age of 8?

How it will be delivered

I alongside other parents will take it to the local MP.


2018-02-14 19:44:52 +0000

50 signatures reached

2018-02-14 09:40:47 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-09-12 19:04:32 +0100

I applied for a government petition and it was approved today.
Please copy and paste the below link.

Thank you

2016-09-11 07:53:21 +0100

10 signatures reached