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To: Bristol City Council and the Mayor of Bristol and HWB

Bristol City Council Health & Wellbeing Board

1) People of Bristol request that the Health and Wellbeing Board, is to sign off major changes and reorganisation or reconfiguration or funding of services, under a constitution and Public Sector Equality Duty and reverse its decision to only provide oversite of local Health and Social Care Services.

2) That a diverse range of people from all protected characteristics and wards are represented on the Health and Wellbeing Board of Bristol, that use Health & Social Care services rotated on an annual basis, with adequate funding and support for their time. These persons can not hold a role with any of the employers in Bristol that the HWB is a part of to avoid conflict of interests.

Why is this important?

This is important for local health and wellbeing is represented by local people and democratic scrutiny. Until now all councillors have done is put cuts through and been hoodwinked by some CEOs of Trusts, on the HWB that do not care of the local population only payouts by big insurance companies trying to take over UK healthcare services.


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2018-07-17 18:33:45 +0100

10 signatures reached