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To: Wiltshire Council

Campaign to save RUH Hopper Bus

UPDATE - 02/07/15 - A big thank you to everyone who signed our save the Hopper petition, a fine example that people power can make a real difference. The service is now safe until April next year, but we must keep a very close eye, to ensure that the service is funded in the next financial year.

More here:

We the under signed call upon Wiltshire Council, to reconsider any changes to the Royal United Hospital Hopper service and call upon the Council to re-instate the £130,000 that has been cut from the budget to fund this service It is understood that Wiltshire Council must seek savings but any change in the way this service is provided would cause hardship for those who rely on this valuable service to travel to the Bath RUH.

At present this service provides a door to door service that is disabled friendly, and it’s vital this service is retained in its present form.
We would ask Wiltshire Council to remember Wiltshire is the County.
“Where everyone matters”

Why is this important?

Any cuts to this vital service would cause real hardship to the less able in many parts of Wiltshire

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2016-03-23 14:10:44 +0000

Petition is successful with 1,980 signatures

2015-07-12 21:01:47 +0100

Petition is successful with 1,882 signatures

2015-07-02 11:05:20 +0100

Petition is successful with 1,880 signatures

2015-03-27 13:36:14 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2015-03-24 21:57:20 +0000

500 signatures reached

2015-03-22 18:55:03 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-03-21 20:14:24 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-03-20 20:18:17 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-03-20 15:36:59 +0000

10 signatures reached