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To: Hexercize Members and Hexagon Tower Tenants

Closure of the Gym During Refurbishment

We want the Gym to remain open whilst the Ground Floor of Hexagon Tower is being refurbished. An alternative needs to be found to ensure minimal disruption whilst work is carried out.

Why is this important?

To say that the Gym will be closed 'Until Christmas' is not acceptable, both to the members who use this facility and the instructors for whom this is their financial livelihood. The gym is a non-profit making facility and being out of action for this length of time (when we are only going to receive a general tidy up as part of the refurb) will mean that we cannot continue to run. We cannot expect members to pay for a service that won't be available to them. An alternative arrangement needs to be made for a phased refurb in order for us to continue. This Gym has been run for over 20 years this way and its' fantastic service and Commitment from the Committee who continue to run it is valued greatly by all tenants and members. It is not the same as just 'putting a treadmill in a corner and calling it a gym' - what we have is unique and has made a difference to so many people - please don't let us lose that. My passion for providing this fantastic facility for all drives me to fight for this for you all. Thank you, Martina

Blackley, Manchester

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2017-08-07 18:08:04 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-08-07 11:13:55 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-08-07 10:30:55 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-08-07 10:12:34 +0100

10 signatures reached