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To: David Cameron

Commit the UK to getting corporations to respect humans!

The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has voted to take real action to protect Human Rights by regulating TNCs' actions. The EU is not only proposing to stand in the way of this, it is actually refusing to engage in dialogue on the subject. This means that the UK, as an EU member state, is standing in the way of Human Rights.
As UK and EU citizens, and human beings, we can not accept this. We call on David Cameron to immediately reverse the UK's stance. If we do not do this then how can the UK or the EU pretend to be democratic communities?

Why is this important?

As UK and EU citizens, and human beings, we can not accept this. We call on David Cameron to immediately reverse the UK's stance. If we do not do this then how can the UK or the EU pretend to be democratic communities?
If you are an EU citizen and you care about Human Rights, please sign this petition.


2015-11-03 12:50:02 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-07-08 11:34:07 +0100

Next week sees a nation-wide demonstration against TTIP, a supposedly 'secret' (luckily some members of teh public have found out about it) trade deal being negotiated between the EU and US which could potentially further corporations' ability to abuse human rights and even take away government power to do anything about it.
Quite an informative short video about TTIP here:
the protest is July 12th! Get ready to show that we are Humans!

2014-07-07 11:27:50 +0100

10 signatures reached