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To: Penarth Town council

End the Ban on Nicki Page entering Penarth town Council buildings

End the ban on Nicki Page from all the Town Council premises, following her attempt in March this year to pin posters on internal council notice boards promoting her so-called “SOS” campaign to ‘save’ Penarth Pier Pavilion. Penarth Town Council please do not use the police to remove peaceful law abiding people like Nicki Page from the Paget Rooms where she had simply gone to attend a concert! Please say who is responsible for this decision and at what meeting was it discussed.

Why is this important?

We live in a democracy. People must be allowed freedom of speech and the right to protest and not be punished arbitrarily by a miffed clerk or even a town council.


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2017-09-15 18:31:06 +0100

10 signatures reached