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To: Bus Transport and scotrail

free concessionary transport for unpaid carers

Provide carers with free concessionary transport or discounted travel

Why is this important?

Unpaid Carers (carers who do not provide care as a career) are a crucial part of society that saves the government £162 billion a year. Free/concessionary transport for carers would allow carers to live a better quality of life. Carers face many barriers to work and education such as school or college, Travel being one of them. Free travel for carers would help reduce these barriers. Often carers have to decide between the simple and essential things in life such as being able to afford food to eat or accessing vital support services they need to cope with their caring role. Travel should be an essential service rather than another barrier that makes it harder for us to deal with our many responsibilities. This would allow carers to access free transport without the cared for person having to be present in the instance that the cared for has a travel card. However Not every cared for person has the concessionary companion card. If carers are able to access transport at no cost to them this will allow them in turn to provide more/better care for their loved ones. At the end of the day public transport is a service that is a need, we are an essential part of the community so why can't we use it too! For carers to receive this free travel they would need to prove to whomever is in charge that they are in fact a carer so this system can not be abused. A way in which they could do this is by having a letter from their carers centre or health professional such as social work department or if they are in receipt of carers allowance the letter proving this. Carers need assistance in alot of areas such as an increase of money they receive for Carers Allowance due to it clearly not being enough . This issue is being looked at by government and slowly increasing so I believe now transport needs to be looked at . Not everyone can get benefits so let's help people get what they deserve , might not seem important to most but to many it will change their lives. We deserve to be treated as equals...Is free/concessionary transport for carers to much to ask for in return for those who give up their lives to care for others?

How it will be delivered

My petition has currently reached over 1600 signatures and is being backed by my local council's petition board (Renfrewshire Council), in lobbying the Scottish Government to provide free/concessionary transport for unpaid carers.

Some other supporters of my petition include; Cosla, The coalition of carers, Carers UK, Enable Scotland and many MSP's.

United Kingdom

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2017-06-29 22:02:57 +0100

Anyone who knows me knows I am passionate about carers... I have been campaigning for the past year for concessionary transport for carers. Today my petition was put forward to the public petitions committee in the scottish government who have decided to take it to the next stage (stage 3) and look at how they could implement concessionary transport for carers and will be holding a round table event with COSLA to see if they can reach an agreement on how to implement this without too high a cost.

2017-01-26 19:00:42 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-09-13 20:47:12 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-09-02 02:31:05 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-09-01 01:54:03 +0100

10 signatures reached