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To: Jeremy Hunt MP - Secretary of State for Health

Jeremy Hunt, take part in a live TV debate with current Doctors and representatives of the NHS.

As Mr Hunt, along with other members of the Conservative party and media keep putting points forward as to why the recent strikes were wrong. We ask him to stand by his words in public, under scrutiny.
So far he has refused the vast majority of interviews and, seemingly, gone into hiding during this process whilst asking for members of the NHS to come around the table and discuss the various issues. Here's his chance.

Why is this important?

The future of NHS is a source of worry for a great swathe of the population. A huge majority of Doctors, experts and professionals linked with the NHS, see Jeremy Hunt's plans as a destructive force for a public service we all hold so dear. Many of his stats (such as the 20% increased likelihood of dying from a stroke at the weekend) have been called out as incorrect by those within the industry. As well as false media claims that those involved are quaffing champagne, whilst one doctor's payslip recently proved that it is possible to be paid as little as £2.61 an hour currently.
The NHS is an important part of British culture and seen by many as one of the proudest achievements of Western democracy. The fact that it has currently been dragged into a slagging match at a national level, isn't the correct way to deal with such an issue.
As it is a public service, and one that the public not only relies on but also holds in such high regard, the facts should be made public, with both sides allowed a say. Mr Hunt should show he holds the NHS is the same high regard as the public, by treating this situation with the respect it deserves and having an open public debate about these important issues.


2016-04-26 10:45:33 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-01-14 20:14:39 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-01-14 12:30:34 +0000

10 signatures reached