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To: UK Government

Scrap PIP (Personal Independence Payment) & restore DLA (Disability Living Allowance.)

1) Scrap PIP (Personal Independence Payment) & restore DLA (Disability Living Allowance.)

2) End Discrimination in Disability Benefit Assessments especially where invisible disabilities are the main or only presenting issue.

Why is this important?

Great! This petition now has a target of 100,001 signatures! Well done (and please keep going!) to all who helped us to reach10,000 ~ people's signatures have shot up in the last few days.

Achieving change depends on all of US to promote this petition on any and all platforms/social media and to contact all your friends and families and all other organizations to which you belong or think would publicize us ~ THANK YOU!

(Channel 4 has pulled the original page...) showed the extent of the problems faced by disabled people of all sorts in claiming these Social Security Benefits. People with "invisible disabilities" e.g. mental health issues face particular problems in these assessments.

"PIP assessments are not fit for purpose. They are especially unfit
where non-physical disability predominates. The result is that people
who used to qualify under DLA, and whose condition may actually have
deteriorated, are suddenly found not to fit the PIP 'criteria.'"

... and PIP assessors appear to be immune :

During the Channel 4 programme shown 11.4 2016, various people agreed
with the premise that PIP assessments are not fit for purpose. The
assessments are covert, superficial and unfair especially where mental
health is the presenting issue.

There is clear bias in these assessments and that constitutes discrimination against people with "invisible disabilities." If you agree then please sign the petition and pass it on to your friends and family and networks. Thank you.

How it will be delivered

Not sure ~ perhaps via press conference and / or email.


2016-08-01 13:52:33 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2016-07-14 20:17:24 +0100

500 signatures reached

2016-06-30 19:47:19 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-06-25 10:16:25 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-06-06 17:43:20 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-05-15 07:48:27 +0100

10 signatures reached