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To: the UK Government

No parking charges for visiting hospitals

stop all greedy parking firms from charging parking fees if parking fees should be in place at Hospitals it should be the Hospital that controls the parking and charges so any funds raised goes direct to the hospital

Why is this important?

I find this very important due to the fact I am now in a position of paying £276. every month to a private company to see my wife who is in critical care and may not survive . there are no concession rate for long term parking on a daily basis and the parking company keep all proceeds and the hospital get none. even the nurses doctors and everyone working at the hospital have to pay many the same rate has me and thousands of other patients and visitors. the Hospital in question is the Coventry and warwickshire University Hospital. I believe the Government must act now to stop these companies taking advantage of the sick and vulnerable. it is not possible to park close to the hospital due to parking permits needed and only issues to local residents making the hospital carparks the only place to park . I know not all charge the same rate has my local Hospital parking charges are £7 a week when paid in advance but again this option is not available at Coventry University Hospital and the hospital has no input and the charges made due to the parking being provided by private greedy owners. I can not afford to visit my wife I have reduced all payments to everything I need at home to very basic supplies and still can not afford the £276 per month parking charge charged at a daily rate of £9.20 a day. that is not including travelling costs to and from the hospital. I am registered disabled and using public transport like buses is not an option for me and taxis are way to expensive. please this is not a complaint from me this is me being concerned for all people having to visit hospitals all over the country that could be charging extortionate prices for some private company to get rich quick . end all Hospital charges or make all parking charges fair and affordable and owned by the hospitals to get extra funds.


2017-07-18 07:17:53 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-11-08 11:35:01 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-11-07 22:13:09 +0000

10 signatures reached