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To: Councillor John Cotton

Protect the Green Belt at Culham from loss, shrinkage or relocation through future development

Please promise to protect the Green Belt at Culham from loss, shrinkage or relocation through future development

Why is this important?

There are plans to build 3,500 houses in Green Belt Land at Culham, Oxfordshire, between the Europa School and the railway. This is protected land by National Planning Policy Framework; the Green Belt is the lungs of Oxford. The development is the equivalent to a new town the size of Wallingford. Access to the site is limited on roads that are already saturated. The village of Culham has 450 habitants; this project would change a small village into a town of 9,000 people!!!

There would be no investment in infrastructure before the first 750 houses are built. This would put a strain on already busy roads and junctions at Clifton-Hampden and into Abingdon where very long queues and delays occur every day.

Drop off and pick up at the Europa School is a real challenge as things stand, it would be a real safety concern if traffic was to increase exponentially

Culham, Oxfordshire

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2017-09-20 14:58:09 +0100

Mass Protest Rally on Culham Green – 24th Sept – 3pm
All Culham households are being mailed with a leaflet inviting EVERYONE to join us for a Mass Protest Rally photographed from above by a drone-mounted camera.

This will be taking place on Sunday 24th September at 3pm on Culham Green.

We will form a ‘Human Green Belt’ around the perimeter of the Village Green*. We will provide a really long green ribbon to join us. Please wear something green, or green face paint and/or hold a branch of greenery from your garden. We are having banners made but please bring a home-made placard with any message you wish (such as ‘Preserve the Green Belt’ / ‘Stop the Urban Sprawl!’ / ‘Keep Culham rural’ / ‘We love Green Belt’ / ‘No town wanted here’ – anything else that transmits this message.

2017-09-18 11:24:35 +0100

Please comment and have your say.
Oppose building in Green Belt Land
Open consultation on Government’s ‘Planning for the right homes in the right places’ proposals.
HAVE YOUR SAY. Deadline 9th November 2017…/planning-for-the-right-homes-in-the-ri…

Planning for the right homes in the right places: consultation proposals - GOV.UK
Consultation on further measures set out in the housing white paper to boost housing supply in England.

2017-09-18 11:23:11 +0100

Dear Supports
A bit of good news is that the Government has decided that the main study they based their housing needs for the next 15 or so years was wrong and exaggerated, and new guidelines will be published next year.
It's a good opportunity to keep the pressure on South Oxfordshire District Council to scrap plans to build in Green Belt Land at Culham.
Please comment on the newspaper article in this link to create awareness so newspapers give this issue a strong voice. Now is the time to stop these plans as the local authorities still want to approve changes to the Green Belt and decide later if we need to build on it.
Once the Green Belt is gone, it will be gone for ever.

Say NO to building on Green Belt Land, say no to building at Culham.
Thank you for your support

Save Culham Green Belt committee

2017-09-05 20:39:41 +0100

The site in Culham, for 3,500 homes, would require land to be removed from the Oxfordshire Green Belt. National guidelines allow councils to make a case for the removal of land from the Green Belt in exceptional circumstances. The council believes these circumstances exist in Culham, particularly due to its proximity to high quality employment and transport links. The planning inspector will consider the case for this when he or she examines the plan. As the plan explains, these homes will add to the pressure for a new bridge across the Thames.

The local plan will be considered at the following council committee meetings:

• Wednesday 13 September – Scrutiny committee
• Wednesday 20 September – Cabinet
• Thursday 28 September – Full council

2017-09-05 20:39:35 +0100

The council will publish its final draft of the local plan on 11 October and will invite a further round of comments from the public, which will then be submitted along with the plan to the government. The plan and the comments will be considered by a planning inspector as part of a public examination, which will take place next year.

2017-08-30 19:32:14 +0100

This petition is directed to cabinet ministers and it for the whole of England. Please support! Thank you!

2017-08-16 11:20:46 +0100

A bit of good news:

2017-08-01 14:31:22 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2017-07-28 23:18:11 +0100

A development in Abingdon was approved without prior consultation. This will affect traffic in our area, and it will also set a precedent for councils to approve major developments without consultation. Say NO! Please sign our petition to save your Green Belt Land

2017-07-26 15:04:34 +0100

We are in the news, please comment on the article

2017-07-26 15:02:40 +0100

A video to remind us what we are standing for. Thank you for your support

2017-07-21 12:48:05 +0100

500 signatures reached

2017-07-17 10:31:39 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-07-15 07:54:36 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-07-14 18:57:18 +0100

25 signatures reached