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To: Councillor John Cotton

Protect the Green Belt at Culham from loss, shrinkage or relocation through future development

Please promise to protect the Green Belt at Culham from loss, shrinkage or relocation through future development

Why is this important?

There are plans to build 3,500 houses in Green Belt Land at Culham, Oxfordshire, between the Europa School and the railway. This is protected land by National Planning Policy Framework; the Green Belt is the lungs of Oxford. The development is the equivalent to a new town the size of Wallingford. Access to the site is limited on roads that are already saturated. The village of Culham has 450 habitants; this project would change a small village into a town of 9,000 people!!!

There would be no investment in infrastructure before the first 750 houses are built. This would put a strain on already busy roads and junctions at Clifton-Hampden and into Abingdon where very long queues and delays occur every day.

Drop off and pick up at the Europa School is a real challenge as things stand, it would be a real safety concern if traffic was to increase exponentially

Culham, Oxfordshire

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2017-07-14 14:45:59 +0100

10 signatures reached