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To: Leicestershire County Councillors

Refuse to approve Footprint 15 STP until councillors have time to receive independant advice

Refuse to green light Footprint 15 STP until councillors have had time to seek independent expert advice on its financial and practical implications. To demand time to allow them to scrutinise the full financial costings so they can ensure that our local STP is able to meet its remit to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community. Residents should not lose access to services, choice and quality of care that they currently receive. By signing off on this plan the council are claiming confidence in the STP to improve the quality of local NHS care, to not harm local social care, and to cut costs without transferring them to other Health and Social Care providers.

Why is this important?

We already know that the STP suggests over 12% of beds being cut, closure of the General hospital, maternity services and community hospitals. If hospital beds are cut without investment in social care, district nursing, mental health care and General Practice then the pressure on the costs of running these services will result in poorer care for the local community. These changes threaten to create NHS job losses when the service is already understaffed, increase local unemployment, and restricts choice and accessibility for patients. It will also place a greater reliance on family members to care for sick relatives at home. It is important that no further pressures are put on social care and that the community are properly consulted on changes to their National Health Service.


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2016-12-14 20:03:40 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-12-13 19:24:37 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-12-12 23:42:34 +0000

10 signatures reached