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To: Homes for Haringey

Reinstate Arleen Matthews and drop and disciplinary action against her.

Reinstate Arleen Matthews and drop and disciplanary action against her.

Why is this important?

Arleen Matthews and her son son Kishur found themselves homeless when they fell behind with the rent and were evicted.
In desperation they started sleeping rough in a garage on one of the estates that she managed in her job for "Homes for Haringey". On the council hearing this they suspended her and now facing disciplinary action.

The action Homes for Haringey has taken shows a lack of compassion and is contrary to their statement "We want to prevent homelessness whenever possible".

Being homeless and then to lose her job must be a devastating and all this a few days away from Xmas.

How it will be delivered



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2016-12-28 23:04:30 +0000

500 signatures reached

2016-12-24 11:35:21 +0000

Media interest picks up.
23 December 2016, 15:07
Arleen Matthews interviewed by Shelagh Fogarty on LBC radio

23 December 2016 18.17
Readers offered to donate money and one had already paid a lump sum to clear Arleen Matthews’ debts.
Guardian reader pays off debts of woman suspended over sleeping rough.

Now lets get Arleen reinstated and any disciplinary action against her dropped.

2016-12-23 19:06:27 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-12-23 13:08:46 +0000

Help Arleen Matthews Gofundme page now set up.
Feel free to donate

2016-12-23 12:29:00 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-12-23 11:14:28 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-12-23 10:46:57 +0000

10 signatures reached