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To: The UK Government Parliamentary Secretary of State for Children and the Minister for Justice

Rights for Children to have a relationship with both parents following divorce/separation

There is a phenomenon the world over with regards to the parental alienation of children following a divorce and or separation. Hundreds of thousands of children are denied access to a loving and meaning relationship with both parents.

There is unequal rights waged against fathers who want to maintain a relationship with their children often prevents by the mother who develops a pattern of parental alienation not only from the father, but for all of the paternal family, This is also true vice versa. Children are growing up with the necessary foundations to build secure lives and these children are our future.

The court system within the UK needs to recognise its role in the ensuring that children must come first and that parents should have equal rights. Also we need to ensure that when the court makes an order that it is not broken as this only serves to destroy children's relationships with their families and that damages their stability and sense of belonging.

Agencies, in particular Social Services for Children should be reviewed, reconfigured and become accountable for their actions and inactions. How many ore children need to die before we say enough is enough.

Why is this important?

We want to see positive change for all children to develop and by nurtured by both parents and their respective families after divorce and or separation. Help us challenge for Change.


2016-12-13 00:53:52 +0000

10 signatures reached