We want our Councillors to invoke an Article 4 Direction to help preserve Rye Lane's unique character from hasty changes of use by businesses coming into the conservation area.
Why is this important?
The recent change to planning legislation means that permission is no longer required for businesses to change use, even in conservation areas. Rye Lane is be likely to be targeted by large chains looking to take advantage of this change. The problem is that this will put huge pressure on rents, pressure which many local, cherished independents are not likely to survive. The Direction will give time to planning officers to consider proposals in accordance with the development plan. We want Rye Lane to continue serving all its diverse Londoners, and supporting local creative economies, not letting them be priced out of Peckham.
How it will be delivered
To Southwark Council Cabinet Committee, Ground Floor Meeting Room GO2A, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2HZ, 4.30pm - please attend and support us.