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To: Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group

Save Poole Hospital A&E and Maternity

We, the people of Poole, want Poole Hospital A&E and Maternity to stay open.

Why is this important?

Our A&E and Maternity units at Poole Hospital are essential for local people. The road networks between Poole and Bournemouth are dismal and travel times are very unpredictable, particularly during the summer season. This means that the proposal for closure of these essential departments is extremely worrying.

Local A&E staff, paramedics, doctors, midwives and police all have deep concerns about these departments being closed or relocated since longer journey times can put lives at risk.

Poole Maternity unit currently caters for mums from a wide geographical area and travelling to the proposed new site in Bournemouth would be time consuming for pregnant women and their families which could potentially result in delays in treatment and care. Poole Hospital needs to keep its successful maternity service so it can continue to provide safe and effective care to the community.

Other departments within Poole Hospital will also be put at risk if the A&E unit closes including Paediatric and Neo-Natal care - this is appalling for local people.

A&E and Maternity units are vital services for patients - why should people in Poole be put at risk by poorly thought through and misguided cost-cutting like this?

Poole Hospital, Longfleet Road, Poole

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2016-05-10 09:59:39 +0100

Hi Everyone.Firstly Thank you for your support this is your Petition for you. I have listen to the Radio this morning and it seems the support is very strong. Even residents raise concerns on this near Bournemouth Hospital. Its Also involves Maternity Unit this is just the Start. Please keep sharing I am to start up an Head a Steer Group. Please contact me if you want to get involved

2016-05-10 08:48:22 +0100

Hi Everyone. I have been on the BBC Radio Solent. and also been interviewd by Wave 105

2016-05-10 07:25:08 +0100

On BBC Radio Solent this morning

2016-05-10 07:24:56 +0100

Hi Everyone. Great Response. Thank you. I am awaiting to Hear from MP Robert Sym and Poole Leader of the Council.

2016-05-09 20:05:23 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2016-05-09 19:32:24 +0100

500 signatures reached

2016-05-09 18:42:39 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-05-09 18:24:18 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-05-09 17:27:21 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-05-09 13:56:52 +0100

10 signatures reached