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To: Liverpool City Council

Save the Bombed Out Church in Liverpool.

Support the Bombed Out Church space and venue as it is. It is an iconic Art Space in the City, which supports many alternative forms of work - including those of established artists like Yoko Ono who exhibited her Skyladders in Liverpool at the Bombed Out Church.

Please re-think any decision to 'tart-up' this venue which will exclude artists from Liverpool and the North West.

Why is this important?

The Bombed Out Church is an Iconic Space in the City of Liverpool; it represents many of the struggles of the City over decades. It's not a simple a shell - It is a living, working monument to the people of Liverpool.


2014-04-02 12:10:50 +0100

OK, I have had a bit of time to think about the suggestions made last night by interested parties – re collection of paper signatures.
1. Re “Save the Bombed Out” petition - To repeat collection of the same signatures would be counter-productive. This petition is already nearing 30,000 signatures – and there would most certainly be some cross-over.
2. The Second petition: “Make St Luke’s a Community Asset of Value” is closer to what people need to collect paper signatures – and currently only has 54 signature which is double the amount needed to ‘Nominate’ St Luke’s to the list of registered Community Assets- However, this may not be accepted by LCC, and I have asked for clarification.
3. There is a form you can download from the LCC website - you can make the application yourselves by collecting signatures on the form below:

Here is the link:

2014-03-29 13:28:50 +0000

2014-03-29 13:25:05 +0000

According to the information I have received - USL or any other Community Interest Group only need 21 signatures from the Liverpool Community to fulfil the criteria for 'Nominating' St Luke's as a 'Community Asset of Value' - That criteria has been been established by the 'Make St Luke's -the Bombed Out Church a Community Asset' petition (subject to checking of postcodes) and is available to Any Community Group, Cooperative, or User Group whose intention it is to support an open dialogue to secure the future of St Luke's Church -The Bombed Out Church, according to the wishes of the people of Liverpool.

The criteria for 'Saving the Bombed Out Church' has been overwhelmingly established by This petition - please continue to sign both. Thank you DA1

2014-03-28 15:01:27 +0000

Following the meeting between USL and Joe Anderson - I am waiting to hand over the petion to those who are able to set up user and support groups - so they can use the petition to take their campaings further and keep the pressure on Liverpool City Council to be open and above board in their negotiations and dealings with the people of Liverpool over St Luke's.

There is paperwork to complete - Nominating St Lukes (in the same way as Anfield has been) as an "Asset of Community Value" - This will then compel LCC to inform and give the first offer to buy St Luke's - should they deside to sell to the Community.

It protects the buildings from 'arbitrary sale' inperpetuity, but if LCC do decide to sell it then gives the Community only six months to come up with proposals and a bid - This is why people need to be prepared Now!

2014-03-28 14:34:46 +0000

Love this Angela D.

" It is also the site of the Liverpool memorial to the Great Irish Famine, recently visited by the President of Ireland."

2014-03-25 13:06:24 +0000

Just to give you ALL an exclusive update - I have now written to Joe Anderson to arrange for a meeting to hand over the petition - I am hoping that when I get a date /time that you and anyone involved in groups around the Bombed Out Church will come along too.

I will be inviting USL of course - BBC Merseyside is already on board and will be covering the event as will the 38 Degrees media team.

I will be posting the date of 'official petition handover' on the petition page and via twitter and Fb and informing those who have contacted me individually: Lets ‘MAKE SOME NOISE' on the day.

Please circulate - keeping the pressure on to make sure the right thing happens re St Luke's is what it's all about.


2014-03-24 22:29:12 +0000

20,000 signatures reached

2014-03-24 18:38:44 +0000

Thank you for your email. My role as Lord Mayor is non-political, impartial, civic and ceremonial. I represent the city rather than the Council and therefore can't help with this particular issue. Best Wishes, Gary

Cllr Gary Millar
Lord Mayor of Liverpool
Councillor for Old Swan

2014-03-24 13:53:30 +0000

The petition has now been sent - and will be re-sent at intervals until a decision has been taken or a committee is set up to look at all the possibilities for the Bombed Out Church


2014-03-24 13:35:51 +0000

The petition to ‘Save the Bombed Out Church’ has sky-rocketed to over 18,619 actual figure [ @12noon on Monday 24 March 2014] signatures and rising, the petition reached over 10,000 in less than 48 hours.
We hope that Liverpool City Council will do more than give assurance to set up a ‘Not for Profit’ or ‘Community Interest Group’, but will pro-actively ensure that there will be full access and representation for those who are currently responsible for the management of the building, along with others who may be securing funding with the help of the City Council, and that this representative body will be included at each stage of the decision making which affects St Luke’s.
Yours sincerely
Donnelly Artist – Petition Organiser

2014-03-24 13:34:33 +0000

3rd: As can be seen from the numbers who have signed the 38 degrees petition in such a short window of 48 hours, feelings are running high. We don’t need to tell you that many of the buildings, places, and monuments of the City represent the struggles and hardship of generations of Liverpudlians as well as their determination to fight for what is right for the City of Liverpool, but we are reminding you, because you seem to have forgotten.
Most people are aware that Bombed Out Church represents the Cities loss during WWII, but to many it also represents those times of struggle and survival, lack of jobs, and injustice. In 2014 many would be expecting St Luke’s to play a major part in honouring the dead of 1914-18. The Art and Literature communities revere the building.
The World has a great affection for Liverpool, and neither we nor they will allow such an important part of Liverpool’s heritage it to be destroyed or turned over to an ‘unknown’ corporate identity without a fight.

2014-03-24 13:34:11 +0000

2nd part - It is vital that people are kept is informed and that any process of improvement or change is discussed openly before decisions are made. We are all very much aware of the financial problems affecting the City, but with an open dialogue and looking for the right kind of support these problems can be addressed to meet the needs of building maintenance and securing the future of St Luke’s. The users and curators of St Luke's 'The Bombed Out Church' must be fully involved and engaged in the whole process of decision making from start to finish - Not having a say will remove accountability and only create distrust in the City Council’s intentions.

2014-03-24 13:32:23 +0000

Letter to Joe Anderson Mayor of Liverpool : In sateges - The Bombed Out Church.
The People of Liverpool, those who love Liverpool, the Arts community and many others have spoken. Liverpool is a Very Special City for all of us – from those of us whose ancestors arrived on the Liverpool docks and stayed, to those who came and then travelled across the world; ALL want to see The Bombed Out Church future secured, preserved and protected.
One of the main complaints is that no one has been properly informed what the City Council plans are?! Another is that while one meeting has taken place the people of Liverpool and those who are directly and indirectly connected to St Luke’s or who have supported the building and the City by performing or exhibiting at the Bombed Out Church are extremely concerned for the future of the building.

2014-03-24 10:29:28 +0000

C'mon Almost.... there, another 1600 will do it - downloading @12 noon xx

2014-03-23 22:17:37 +0000

Lets bang the drums for the Bombed Out Church - just a little longer - pass it on to your friends and relatives, your work mates - Only 2,313 more signatures to go to reach 20,000