OK, I have had a bit of time to think about the suggestions made last night by interested parties – re collection of paper signatures.
1. Re “Save the Bombed Out” petition - To repeat collection of the same signatures would be counter-productive. This petition is already nearing 30,000 signatures – and there would most certainly be some cross-over.
2. The Second petition: “Make St Luke’s a Community Asset of Value” is closer to what people need to collect paper signatures – and currently only has 54 signature which is double the amount needed to ‘Nominate’ St Luke’s to the list of registered Community Assets- However, this may not be accepted by LCC, and I have asked for clarification.
3. There is a form you can download from the LCC website - you can make the application yourselves by collecting signatures on the form below:
Here is the link: http://liverpool.gov.uk/business/tenders-and-procurement/community-right-to-bid/