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To: Liverpool City Council

Save the Bombed Out Church in Liverpool.

Support the Bombed Out Church space and venue as it is. It is an iconic Art Space in the City, which supports many alternative forms of work - including those of established artists like Yoko Ono who exhibited her Skyladders in Liverpool at the Bombed Out Church.

Please re-think any decision to 'tart-up' this venue which will exclude artists from Liverpool and the North West.

Why is this important?

The Bombed Out Church is an Iconic Space in the City of Liverpool; it represents many of the struggles of the City over decades. It's not a simple a shell - It is a living, working monument to the people of Liverpool.


2014-03-23 19:53:48 +0000

The petition will be downloaded for sending to Liverpool City Council as soon as it hits 20,000 signatures - which is likely to be tomorrow (Monday 24th March) - Current figure is 17,276

Keep thenm coming Liverpool xx

2014-03-23 02:06:39 +0000

Save the Bombed Out Church petition has reached 14,489 signatures in just over 48 hours, it will be sent to Liverpool City Council on Monday. A copy of the letter to be sent with it addressed to Joe Anderson will be posted up on Monday.

Keep signing thanks - You have all been absolutely amazing!

2014-03-22 14:33:13 +0000

10,000 signatures reached

2014-03-22 10:10:16 +0000

The Bombed Out Church, St Luke's is at the heart of Liverpool, it is a reminder of the sacrifices and commitments made by the people of Liverpool, not only to Liverpool herself, but to the wider country. When the rest of the Country is honouring the 1914-18 war dead, places like the Bombed Out Church (read the name people gave it Joe) are where they go to - If it was the Titanic there would be an outcry of desecrating a War Grave!

2014-03-22 08:55:28 +0000

5,000 signatures reached

2014-03-21 23:53:24 +0000


3,017 Signatures in one day

2014-03-21 22:10:14 +0000

The Save the Bombed Out Church petition has reached 1,696 signatures in less than a day - lets get this moving to 5,000 by monday. The People of Liverpools history and heritage cannot be sold.

2014-03-21 20:57:15 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2014-03-21 19:45:40 +0000

500 signatures reached

2014-03-21 17:04:26 +0000

100 signatures reached

2014-03-21 15:36:52 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-03-21 14:15:55 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-03-21 13:53:02 +0000

10 signatures reached