Hi All,
The developer has put in the planning application. You can view it on the Westminster planning application page here: https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning
The reference is:18/02058/FULL
You will see from the plans that they make reference to the first floor being staff accommodation, this is not true, it is the function room for the pub and the washing area for the restaurant. This requires change of use which would affect the running of a pub.
It appears from this application that they are keeping the ground floor a pub, however so far they have made it difficult for anyone to take on the lease by putting in impossible terms and as far as the local campaign group is aware they have no-one to run the pub. Several offers were put in to run it but nothing agreed. This could spell the end of the pub for good. It is imperative that everyone makes their objections to this planning application.
Thanks for the support.