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To: Department for Education. Houses of parliament.

Schools should change how they view Mental Health issues.

A review needs to be undertaken as to how schools treat children with mental health issues. Schools do not view issues such as severe anxiety, depression or other aspects seriously. They do not provide adequate provisions for children suffering with such issues.
Even with medical evidence some schools are fining and prosecuting evidence.
Guidelines need to be changed and a new policy implemented that ensures that children suffering with any mental health issues are treat the same as a child with any other health issue.

Why is this important?

Young people have more challenges and issues that arise in comparison with 10 years ago. As a result children are suffering from more serious mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. This is increasing in schools but many schools policies do not reflect the issues this presents.
Some schools treat mental illness as if it can be helped or easily cured.
This is not the case even after treatment the problem remains for many children.
It is unfair to force children out of education if their attendance dips below an average.
It is unfair to take parents to court, to threaten them with fines and imprisonment.
How does this help the child and the family?
It doesn't.
It causes the unwell child more anxiety or depression which makes school attendance a bigger issue.
Despite providing evidence, ensuring attendance is improved this is the case for many families in the UK.
Schools do not view mental health in the same light as any other illness which is outdated and unhelpful.
Something needs to change to improve the lives of children that struggle with these issues everyday and the way families are treat by schools.
Policy in school needs to change. Attendance issues need to be treated in the same way as other health issues.
Punishing children already struggling needs to stop!

How it will be delivered

The petition will be emailed to each relevant body.


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2021-05-07 15:18:24 +0100

10 signatures reached