Successful Campaigns

Successful Campaigns
  • Stop gambling suicides, publish the Gambling Act white paper.
    The white paper was published! But there is still work to be done
    90,835 Signatures
    Created by Annie Ashton
  • The UK must match the rest of Europe and ban single-use plastic
    WHAT A CAMPAIGN WIN! 🙌 Thanks to each and every one of you that signed the petition, we caused the gov to open a consultation into the ban and more than 50,000 incredible people fed into it, sharing their views on a ban. It's now their move. Will they listen and take action to ban some of the most polluting single-use plastics sooner rather than later?? Visit our website to stay up to date on what's happening and find out how to get more involved with our vital plastic pollution campaigning work With love from us and love from the oceans, Jo and the City to Sea team 🌊
    118,877 Signatures
    Created by Jo Morley Picture
  • Close tax loopholes for the rich and powerful
    Campaign win! Thanks to all your support and dedicated campaigning the Economic Crime Bill has now passed through Parliament. The bill introduces a crucial register for property owned through offshore companies. This is an important step to stop tax dodging and corruption. Other important legislation is in the pipeline. This is an amazing success. We will keep campaigning until we have closed every last tax loophole. We all deserve a fairer tax system. Thank you so much for your support. You can sign up here to take part in future campaigns:
    118,689 Signatures
    Created by Robert Palmer Picture
  • Keep prescriptions free for Over 60s
    The Government has decided that the prescription charge upper age exemption will remain at 60, meaning that it will not align to the State Pension age.
    194,482 Signatures
    Created by Serena Martin
  • Moving the Eye Pavillion to Livingston
    This is the thin end of the wedge for Edinburgh, we have already lost several health facilities in Edinburgh. Livingston is not accessible to the elderly, as it takes over an hour by public transport.
    6,739 Signatures
    Created by Ruby Suggitt
  • Don't electronically tag innocent people for attending protests
    Dear friends, Thanks to YOU, last year the Government conceded on their dystopian plans to allow police to use GPS ankle tags on innocent campaigners and ban them from attending marches and demonstrations. We showed the Government that we would not allow extreme police powers in a democratic country like the UK, and thanks to thousands of us coming together they were forced to drop their plans. But we're still working to reclaim privacy and defend freedoms at this time of enormous technological change - you can find out about our other campaigns here Thank you for taking action. Silkie Carlo Big Brother Watch Director
    107,355 Signatures
    Created by Big Brother Watch Picture
  • Close the holiday let tax loophole
    After over two years of campaigning and thousands of people signing this petition, the Chancellor has closed the holiday let tax loophole! Since 2019, nearly 36,000 homes around England have been lost to the tourist industry, and many more in Wales and Scotland. This announcement should help make more homes available for local people, which will make rents more affordable. Thanks to everyone to who got involved and helped us bring attention to this issue by signing the petition: you made this victory possible.
    44,384 Signatures
    Created by Alex Macintyre
  • Save Aigburth Cricket Club
    21/09/21 We won! I am delighted to announce the fantastic news that the club is safe for the time being after agreeing a new 5 year lease with the owners yesterday. We will continue to work with a view to acquiring long term security, but for now the threat of immediate closure has gone. Thank you all for your support, and for showing such love for our fabulous local Cricket and Bowls Club. Very best wishes Everyone at Aigburth Cricket and Bowls Club.
    9,080 Signatures
    Created by Tom Crone
  • Stop Queen Victoria Hospital Merger and protect Specialist Services
    12/09/22 It's been almost two years since we started our campaign to stop the proposed merger between Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, and University Hospital Sussex, but finally we have received the news we have all been working towards. All work on the merger has been stopped and we have been informed that this is not a pause but a final decision not to go ahead with the merger now or in the future. Recent whistleblowing by consultants at USH and the subsequent CQC reports highlighting significant ongoing patient safety concerns have proved that merger with them would have been a disaster for QVH. We want to thank each and every one of you that has been involved in supporting us during our fight to save these internationally respected specialist services. We now need leadership put in place that understands and values this unique hospital and its staff. Not a leadership team that is willing to sell it off the highest bidder, instead a leadership team that will fight for its future by building on its strengths and working with like-minded organisations. Thank you all for helping us to get our voices heard!
    13,830 Signatures
    Created by Claire Shelley
  • Save Coul Links protected nature (Loch Fleet Ramsar SSSI & SPA) from golf development vandalism
    Sign the newer and more up to date petition now:
    93,961 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Weston Picture